ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerPyro  Low/Open Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates thank you, next

Posted by Josh: | Last Online:


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  1. Josh: Yakuza - LEGEND said:

  2. Adri said:

    This is an NA team right?

  3. Kira queen: ORA! said:

    Yo? I want to join

  4. Kira queen: ORA! said:

    Yo? I want to join in team

  5. Knee said:

    Hey, you guys still looking for more players?

  6. CJ said:

    Ay, if ya’ll need a medic main, I’m here and ready.

  7. Fitsfer said:

    I would like to join as a sniper, I have 200 hours on tf2 and almost 600 kills as a sniper.

    Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Diditfartalmo/

    Tf2 stats:https://steamcommunity.com/id/Diditfartalmo/stats/TF2

    I’m also a bit experienced in demo and engi

    Btw I own 150 games to fuel my gamer ego

  8. A Depressed Cookie said:

    I am a pyro main. With more than 2500 hours on tf2. This would be great if I could get on the team.

  9. shiva said:

    pro soldier main here. almost 5000 hours of playing. I want to try the competitive world. pls give me a break. message me. :)

  10. tinydeskengineer said:

    I’m mid skill and a have played about 520 hours and I play more as a engineer, pyro and soldier

  11. Nytez said:

    Looking for an Pyro/Engi main? I’m your guy! I have over 5,000 hrs on tf2 and am willing to lend a hand on the team! You can find my steam account here: https://steamcommunity.com/id/UnusualNights/

  12. MrRaposa: Cello said:

    Could i get in the team?

  13. DerpPlus said:

    Main engi/medic, has crap internet. Interested to get into comp and actually push for an objective with teammates.

  14. hAROLD said:

    I’m new to getting into comp tf2, so I don’t really know what classes I main. I’ve been playing soldier and pyro on tf2 center, and they’re pretty fun, so if you need a pyro I’m here. I have a little bit more than 900 hours on tf2, so if you’re interested you can find my steam
    thank you!

  15. isn: Cello said:

    Hey, I main spy but I can off class if needed. I’ve played a few competitive matches with my friends and we did alright. Now though I wanna get into highlander because I can play spy and not something not fun in my opinion. Heres my steam and no I don’t watch anime

  16. KingofYoshis: Cello said:

    Hey I main the engineer my mic broke but I use the power of commands to communicate. I have over 1000 hours but I rarely play comp. I want to get into it and hopefully have a good time. Heres my steam.