ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply!
Pretty average soldier, roamer and pocket, happy to be a sub, little bit of experience from years ago, if you’re interested hit me up :*
p.s. Poundland > 99p store
Would love to join the team as a main or sub demo. Have some experience in 6’s (played one season of UGC, but had to cut it short due to wrist injury).
My rollouts might be poor, due to little practise lately but willing to train with a team and improve as much as possible.
Can contact me on steam:
i can play scout
Pretty average soldier, roamer and pocket, happy to be a sub, little bit of experience from years ago, if you’re interested hit me up :*
p.s. Poundland > 99p store
Yoyoyo, can play scout. Flank or pocket
Would love to join the team as a main or sub demo. Have some experience in 6’s (played one season of UGC, but had to cut it short due to wrist injury).
My rollouts might be poor, due to little practise lately but willing to train with a team and improve as much as possible.
Can contact me on steam:
heya, can tryout as main demo and sub demo / roamer / med. Not toxic and I am very familiar with basics of the game. Add me if interested:
put ketchup on demo she is good at demo