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EngineerHeavyMedic  Mid/Low Skill, 6v6

International DevilishJho

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi there! I've been playing TF2 on n' off since its release on orange box on the xbox 360 (lol vanilla) and have 1700+ hours on PC. I've only just found about comp tf2 and I'd like to get a foot through the door. I also play other comp games like dota2 (5700+hrs) and popular fighters.

Just looking for any team at all to play and get good with. Cheers

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One Comment

  1. JWB: (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ said:

    hey, here’s a few notes.
    you wont be able to find a 6s team as engi or heavy
    you wont be able to play mid/low if youre new, go open

    info on comp can be found here:

    there are also plenty of newbie resources out there like TFNew (https://discord.gg/8hhJMgz) and ETF2L Newbie Mixes (https://discord.gg/tRd5N3H).