ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Low/Open Skill, Highlander

Finland Wheelchair Wheelers

Posted by portarto: | Last Online:

Allclass subs for S17

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View Low 4 584
View Low/Open 6 472
View Open 1 219
View Open 11 660
View Mid/Open 0 212


  1. Competitive Hoovy said:

    I’ve got 700+ h currently in tf2 and am thinking of getting into comp. I am decent with the heavy and would like to give comp a shot. HMU if you’re interested.

  2. Alex said:

    I can play decently with soldier/demoman,i have 900 hrs,add me on steam if intersted

  3. lem0n said:

    Hey, comp newbie here.
    I would like to volunteer for you team as a pyro. I have nearly 600hours played, which the most of them are, of course, pyro.
    I would say my skilllevel is considered “middle”. But i have no problems with learning and get better.


  4. Sprite said:

    1k hours good scout/soldier would like to join

  5. Sprite said:

    also add me here https://steamcommunity.com/id/MigitZombie/

  6. TK_: MILKY said:

    @lem0n been “middle level” in pubs doesnt mean you are same here.
    Since you only have 600 hours and 0 competitive experience, you should be open lvl max.

  7. joe the shpee said:

    i can sub sniper and spy i have 1.1k hours if that matters i have played in a few scrims so i know what to do.

  8. DariusJoaca said:

    I have almost 500 hours in TF2, i semi-main pyro, i can sub/play spy,sniper,pyro,soldier,demo,medic and engineer. If you are interested in me, here’s my profile. https://steamcommunity.com/id/abczv123456/

  9. Faizer said:

    I can be a sub engie,demo or med (and maybe heavy and/or scout)

  10. emi: std:: said:

    hey, I’m looking to play med for your team. ive played in UGC silver, 1400 hours in game

  11. g00m3r: Ancient said:

    I can sub Demo, Sniper and Medic, but if I gotta play other class, no problem, I dominate all classes. Here is my profile; https://steamcommunity.com/id/z4rya4daw1n/

  12. SexySaddam said:

    I have 1100 hours on TF2 and i’m looking to play some solly (roamer or pocket). I have no competitive experience and am looking to get into it. Here’s my profile; https://steamcommunity.com/id/saddamthesexy/

  13. turbospeed96 said:

    Hey, I could playdemo or sniper in your team. Got bored of pubs, theyre too easy so I thought I could get into comp. Add me to discuss

  14. Klarra: McV - JaR said:

    I’ve got 1,5 K Hours in TF2, I’ve played in 4 cups/League (3 official (2 RGL Prolaner, 2 6’s)) all as medic, the most resent cup i played in I landed on a 4th place (TFNew(6’s)) and I’ve been wanting to play more competitive.

    i’m of Course looking to play medic.

    Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/IMHoove/

  15. marcax said:

    I got 1000 hours in tf2 . im looking to play soldier. i play alot of mge .i know most of the rollouts .

  16. marcax said:

    I got 1000 hours in tf2 . im looking to play soldier. i play alot of mge .i know most of the rollouts . I also played 160 matches on tf2center.

    my steam :https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198810578205/

  17. marcax said:

    I can also play scout.

  18. Freek: Moist said:

    Hi, i want to to play for this team as a sub or spy.
    I have 2.1k hours and played in 2 comp leagues before. (Prolander,tfnew)


  19. MORGENSHTERN said:

    Open subs lol