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DemomanMedicSoldier  Low/Open Skill, 6v6

Scotland Josh

Posted: | Last Online:

officials only tbh

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:52941796 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Yakuza Sponsored by Burger King [6v6] Xav
Left Fatass Legacy [6v6] Josh
Joined Fatass Legacy [6v6] Vic
Left Yakuza Sponsored by Burger King [6v6] Josh
Joined Yakuza Sponsored by Burger King [6v6] LoW
Left $AINT BLACK [6v6] Josh
Joined $AINT BLACK [6v6] admiro.
Left Se7en Eleven [6v6] Josh
Joined Se7en Eleven [6v6] Josh
Left Hustlers University Valedictorian Class [6v6] Josh
Joined Hustlers University Valedictorian Class [6v6] Josh
Joined Massive Legends Here [Highlander] Josh
Left BEANSPORTS [6v6] Josh
Joined BEANSPORTS [6v6] jay
Left Mit dem Flaschenoffner Flaschen offnen [6v6] Josh
Joined Thank you, next. [6v6 Fun Team] Zengo
Joined Mit dem Flaschenoffner Flaschen offnen [6v6] Josh
Left Thank you, next. [6v6 Fun Team] ETF2L Staff
Left http://rgl.gg/ [1v1] ETF2L Staff
Left Highpander [6v6] PlatinumShadow
Joined Highpander [6v6] PlatinumShadow
Joined Thank you, next. [6v6 Fun Team] Zengo
Left Massive Legends Here [6v6 Fun Team] Josh
Joined Massive Legends Here [6v6 Fun Team] Josh
Left gang de' parchetto canecane edition [6v6] master
Joined gang de' parchetto canecane edition [6v6] master
Left gang de' parchetto canecane edition [6v6] master
Joined gang de' parchetto canecane edition [6v6] master
Left Yakuza eSports sponsored by Burger King [6v6] Josh
Left 9 Particles [retired] [Highlander] Josh
Joined 9 Particles [retired] [Highlander] Baryonic Matter
Left Who’s the Tory in Balamory? [Highlander] Josh
Joined Yakuza eSports sponsored by Burger King [6v6] Josh
Left Addicted to Oxygen [6v6] dr.Hank
Joined Addicted to Oxygen [6v6] dr.Hank
Joined http://rgl.gg/ [1v1] Josh
Joined Who’s the Tory in Balamory? [Highlander] Zengo
Left Who’s the Tory in Balamory? [Highlander] ETF2L Staff
Left Thank you, next. [6v6 Fun Team] ETF2L Staff
Left Mit dem Rasenmaher Rasen mahen [6v6] ETF2L Staff
Joined Who’s the Tory in Balamory? [Highlander] Josh
Joined Thank you, next. [6v6 Fun Team] Josh
Joined Mit dem Rasenmaher Rasen mahen [6v6] Josh
Left thank you, next [Highlander] Josh
Left Belle Delphines Fan Club [6v6] Josh
Joined Belle Delphines Fan Club [6v6] Josh
Joined thank you, next [Highlander] Josh
Left Champions [6v6] jeven99
Joined Champions [6v6] MatZer
Left Bye Week [LAN Team] Josh
Left Jackie Chan's left shinbone [1v1] Josh
Left A Lil Peep Tribute Act [2v2] Josh
Left Magnificent Bastards [Highlander] Josh
Left LEAF GAMING [6v6] Josh
Joined LEAF GAMING [6v6] Josh
Joined Magnificent Bastards [Highlander] SkullTiger
Left Massive Legends Here [Highlander] Josh
Left UnMasked Mercenaries [6v6] Josh
Joined UnMasked Mercenaries [6v6] Victor
Left God's Plan [6v6] Josh
Joined God's Plan [6v6] Tamir
Left here fur a mad yin no a sad yin [6v6] Josh
Joined here fur a mad yin no a sad yin [6v6] Josh
Left PLUS2 [6v6] Josh
Joined PLUS2 [6v6] Josh
Left plus2 [6v6] Josh
Left plus2 [6v6 Fun Team] Josh
Joined plus2 [6v6] Josh
Joined plus2 [6v6 Fun Team] Josh
Left plus 2 [6v6 Fun Team] Josh
Joined plus 2 [6v6 Fun Team] Josh
Left Porg E-Sports [6v6] Josh
Joined Massive Legends Here [Highlander] Josh
Joined Porg E-Sports [6v6] Dowel
Left pick achu! [6v6] callFEELD
Joined pick achu! [6v6] callFEELD
Left The Dog's Bollocks [6v6] Josh
Joined The Dog's Bollocks [6v6] gatsan
Left lamB gyros [6v6] Josh
Joined lamB gyros [6v6] nik
Left Country Kings [Highlander] Josh
Left Mars Bar Revolution [6v6] Josh
Joined Country Kings [Highlander] Jesus Bourne
Joined Bye Week [LAN Team] Josh
Left The Daddies [Highlander] Josh
Joined A Lil Peep Tribute Act [2v2] Josh
Left Lil Peep Tribute Band [2v2] Josh
Joined Lil Peep Tribute Band [2v2] Josh
Joined The Daddies [Highlander] Volt
Joined Jackie Chan's left shinbone [1v1] Josh
Joined Mars Bar Revolution [6v6] Josh

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Open 1 223
View Low/Open 0 196
View Open 0 95
View Open 0 322
View Open 1 269
View Open 0 155
View Open 1 346
View Open 0 228
View Open 0 142
View Open 2 376
View Open 1 483
View Open 4 592
View Open 1 332
View Open 2 416
View Open 0 404
View Open 3 601
View Low 8 1591
View Open 16 1056
View Open 5 942
View Open 5 478
View Open 0 278
View Mid/Low 0 398
View Mid/Low 1 434
View Prem 3 460
View Mid/Low 0 491
View Open 0 696
View Mid/Low 1 372
View Mid/Low 0 312
View Mid/Low 0 340
View Mid 16 696
View Mid/Open 2 329
View Mid 6 891
View Mid/Open 0 282
View Mid/Open 0 365
View Mid/Open 1 342
View Mid/Open 0 502
View Mid/Open 0 293
View Mid/Open 2 393
View Mid/Open 0 373
View Mid/Open 0 306
View Mid/Open 22 573
View Mid/Open 0 291
View Mid/Open 1 363
View Mid/Open 0 380
View Mid/Open 3 418
View Mid 0 335
View Mid/Open 0 375
View Mid/Open 1 301
View Open 3 429
View Open 2 463

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