ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Engineer  Low/Open Skill, Highlander

European Dasty

Posted: | Last Online:

I am looking for to team to join, as a main player. I am engi main +100h. I've been playing in ugc 26 season and first match.tf season.Ofcourse I know most comp maps for engi.Always can help finding scrims.I appriciate organisated and nice teams.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:357825491 Add Friend

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Left Jaskiniowcy sponsored by Lech Walesa [Highlander] enivat
Joined PubGods [6v6] Ra1n
Joined Jaskiniowcy sponsored by Lech Walesa [Highlander] Pawel
Left Return To Monke [Highlander] Dasty
Joined Return To Monke [Highlander] Dasty
Left Tszy BrUdasy [2v2] Dasty
Left KITCAT [Highlander] Dasty
Left Brudas Cave Crew Academia [1v1] Dasty
Left Winged Hussars [6v6] Dasty
Joined Brudas Cave Crew Academia [1v1] Dasty
Joined Tszy BrUdasy [2v2] Dasty
Joined KITCAT [Highlander] Alg
Left MOTOROLA GaMinG [Highlander] Dasty
Joined MOTOROLA GaMinG [Highlander] Dallasi
Left Bee Cave Crew: International [Highlander] Dasty
Joined Winged Hussars [6v6] LUMI
Joined Bee Cave Crew: International [Highlander] Roquet

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