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MedicSoldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

Croatia mattikus

Posted: | Last Online:

Finished in Low playoffs last season as Medic (played Roamer for a while as well).
Would like to play in Mid next season.
Prefer Roamer but wouldn't mind playing medic.
Add me for trials. Keen teams only.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:135078404 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Croatia [National 6v6 Team] Buud
Left Reality Check [Highlander] GR1M
Left Police Squad [6v6] Shuffles_
Joined Reality Check [Highlander] GR1M
Left T H I C C O S [Highlander] mattikus
Joined Police Squad [6v6] Shuffles_
Left Speed Of Time [6v6] ALX
Joined Speed Of Time [6v6] ALX
Left Player Haters of the Year [6v6] mattikus
Joined Player Haters of the Year [6v6] HBFS
Left borger esports [6v6] MORGENSHTERN
Joined borger esports [6v6] MORGENSHTERN
Left Aether [6v6] mattikus
Joined T H I C C O S [Highlander] Alice
Left Pizzaz in the oven! [Highlander] lybon
Joined Aether [6v6] GENERAL ZERO
Left Aether [6v6] Tupolev
Joined AEther-flex [6v6 Fun Team] Tupolev
Joined Aether [6v6] GENERAL ZERO
Left Skribbl Scrubbs [6v6] mattikus
Joined Pizzaz in the oven! [Highlander] mattikus
Joined Skribbl Scrubbs [6v6] lucifer
Left Team pom [6v6] dogsdiner
Left Kakashi is our religion [Highlander] mattikus
Joined Kakashi is our religion [Highlander] akachu
Left Highlander = Pubs [Highlander] dogsdiner
Joined Highlander = Pubs [Highlander] dogsdiner
Joined Team pom [6v6] dogsdiner

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Mid/Low 0 247
View Mid 3 339
View Mid/Low 5 408
View Mid/Low 4 274
View Mid/Low 0 320
View Mid/Low 4 312
View Mid/Low 3 323
View Mid/Low 5 309
View Mid/Low 0 326
View Low 4 382
View Low/Open 0 233
View Mid/Low 10 454
View High/Mid 1 370
View Mid 2 259
View Mid/Open 5 378
View Mid/Open 2 367
View Mid/Open 2 336
View Mid/Open 4 409
View Open 0 441
View Open 0 334


  1. phyre said:

    10/10 hot boye

  2. Tupolev: MGE - CAKE said:

    Really good roamer and medic, plays really well.
    Give him a mid trial he deserves it.

  3. HerpTim: урот said:

    baltic badass, for less tilt, get him on soldier

  4. toco: (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) - Mq. said:

    tilts a bit much but a solid med, get him on soldier if you don’t want him to tilt as much x) (unless your team is already smashing most teams)

    (Memes aside, deserves a solid mid team)

  5. ketem: mzn - mstlm said:

    adaptable, improves swiftly and fun to play with. what else do you need of a player?

    try him out!

  6. shinso said:

    chill guy, really wants to get better and is a very solid player, would recommend

  7. Trum said:

    Really great player, pick him up ^^

  8. Harrow said:

    Solid soldier with good mechanics and gamesense

  9. mattikus said:


  10. dogsdiner: PitO. said:

    deserves 100%, great player with good attitude to improving. hook him up to some mge and he will pound. nice guy too

  11. renhoop: GlueEater - ✞360✞ said:

    good memes translate to good pound

  12. mattikus said:


  13. mattikus said:


  14. tomi50: rx. - Gazde said:

    Zdravo mi imamo hrvatsku ekipu i triba nam Medic u Rosteru pa se pitamo oces li ući.
    ako zelis dodaj me na steamcommunity.com/id/Lonnno

  15. akachu said:

    give this cutie a spot

  16. mattikus said:
