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ScoutSoldier  Open Skill, 6v6

International Gamers Against Weed

Posted by tmg_: | Last Online:

Looking for roamer, pocket and flank that are new to 6s.

need to be willing to improve and to play scrims at least 3 times a week.

add tmg_

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  1. tmg_ said:


  2. Austin: PR said:

    Added you for roamer spot :D

  3. Alice said:

    looking to play if you still got that roamer spot

  4. Skip said:


  5. Kiwi: cooking said:

    Looking to play as flank scout, I’m quite new to comp but I have played some lobbies on TF2center and TF2PL.

  6. H3llo said:

    Hey Im a new player to 6s and I want to play pocket
    I got over 1300 hours in the game an looking for ways to improve
    Here is my steamprofile would love to hear a reaction