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Soldier  High/Mid Skill, 6v6

Ireland DigyB

Posted: | Last Online:

S30+essentials cups+i63
would be amazing if you were doing all three but they can be separate as well.
very keen
roamer>pocket but i have plenty of experience on both
div 2 or mid i don't mind
can play every day

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:54176617 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Double Clutch [Highlander] Yuval
Joined Double Clutch [Highlander] dempsey
Left Place to Hold [Highlander] DigyB
Joined On the dole again [4v4] DigyB
Joined Spy Boys [6v6] dempsey
Left Xypher [6v6] DigyB
Joined UltiShweed Powered By El Shroomo [2v2] NURWHAL
Left pls no german server [2v2] DigyB
Joined Xypher [6v6] nash
Joined COOL AND GOOD VIBES [6v6] coyo
Left chumtoad.net #FreePalestine [6v6] DigyB
Joined chumtoad.net #FreePalestine [6v6] PJC
Left Quality Control. [6v6] DigyB
Joined Quality Control. [6v6] SmAsH
Left not dead doggo [6v6] DigyB
Joined Place to Hold [Highlander] None_
Left Heroes and zeros: One night warriors [Highlander] DigyB
Joined not dead doggo [6v6] eepily
Left Xypher [6v6] DigyB
Joined troy virgin [6v6 Fun Team] coyo
Left Gorgeous Gamers [6v6 Fun Team] DigyB
Joined Xypher [6v6] LilCute
Joined Gorgeous Gamers [6v6 Fun Team] Frysk
Left Gorgeous Gamers [6v6 Fun Team] Sodium
Joined Gorgeous Gamers [6v6 Fun Team] Frysk
Left EU Gimmicks [6v6 Fun Team] DigyB
Left Not the star we hoped [6v6] DigyB
Joined Not the star we hoped [6v6] euthanasia
Left Xypher [6v6] DigyB
Joined Heroes and zeros: One night warriors [Highlander] Sodium
Left SS Disaster 5: MADMAN FEEDS [Highlander] DigyB
Joined Xypher [6v6] Snow
Left :nauseated_face: [6v6] DigyB
Joined SS Disaster 5: MADMAN FEEDS [Highlander] Dandere
Left Mando Star [Highlander] DigyB
Joined Ireland [National 6v6 Team] Kosuke
Joined Mando Star [Highlander] Morno
Joined :nauseated_face: [6v6] Greg
Joined "Mia will not be playing pyro" [LAN Team] SmAsH
Left TwistyJuice [LAN Team] DigyB
Left :Blinky: [6v6] DigyB
Joined :Blinky: [6v6] JoeN
Left Quality Control. [6v6] DigyB
Left Heroes and zeros: One night warriors [Highlander] stexer
Joined EU Gimmicks [6v6 Fun Team] TimTum
Left Gorgeous Gamers [6v6 Fun Team] DigyB
Joined Quality Control. [6v6] SmAsH
Left rudeboys on the block [6v6] DigyB
Joined rudeboys on the block [6v6] Copper
Left Destructive Environment [6v6] DigyB
Joined Destructive Environment [6v6] treetoon
Left Bad News Bears [6v6] DigyB
Joined TwistyJuice [LAN Team] DigyB
Joined Bad News Bears [6v6] Racso
Left rudeboys on the block [6v6] DigyB
Joined Gorgeous Gamers [6v6 Fun Team] Frysk
Left DigyBeef [6v6 Fun Team] DigyB
Joined D4ddyB [1v1] DigyB
Joined Heroes and zeros: One night warriors [Highlander] stexer
Left Garbage Bears on the Block [Highlander] DigyB
Joined Garbage Bears on the Block [Highlander] Racso
Left Virtual Unreality HL [Highlander] DigyB
Joined Ireland [National Highlander Team] Crayon
Joined rudeboys on the block [6v6] Acecle
Left Threatening Beliebers! [6v6] DigyB
Joined pls no german server [2v2] Acecle
Joined DigyBeef [6v6 Fun Team] Rox
Joined Threatening Beliebers! [6v6] SmAsH
Left rudeboys on the block [6v6] DigyB
Joined Virtual Unreality HL [Highlander] Rox
Left Mando Star [Highlander] DigyB
Left fun team? [6v6 Fun Team] DigyB
Joined rudeboys on the block [6v6] unitunitunit
Joined Mando Star [Highlander] Tinker
Joined fun team? [6v6 Fun Team] jurgjurg

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Open 0 490


  1. stexer: KKK said:

    Big brain, big dm and all around nice guy.

  2. SmAsH: [DA] - [DA] said:

    Solid player, well worth picking up. Sound lad. Should go D2 really.

  3. Fenrir: Xypher said:

    Great attitude to the game and has fat rocket aim.

    His keenness is the real deal and with likeminded players he could easily be top div 2/div 1 by the time season starts, would be wasting his talent if he played mid again.

    Can easily lead the combo or farm enemy gamers on the flank, you’ll get the best out of him when he is free to do inventive plays though.

  4. Klassy: wG - gandhi is said:

    chill, good dm

  5. SmAsH: [DA] - [DA] said:

    “Great attitude to the game and has fat rocket aim.

    His keenness is the real deal and with likeminded players he could easily be top div 2/div 1 by the time season starts, would be wasting his talent if he played mid again.

    Can easily lead the combo or farm enemy gamers on the flank, you’ll get the best out of him when he is free to do inventive plays though.”

    how much did he pay you for this fen?

  6. Hannes: yerbaby said:

    This person is so good on soldier that it sometimes shivers me timbers! I have nightmares of his bombs, his rockets gives too much of a penetration which tears realms apart.

    I rate this player as a whole, brain, dm personality. Anything you need in one package….

  7. Racso: chumtoad. said:

    Very good player. Strongly recommend.

  8. Defa: bzzz said:

    The B stands for big. Fun and good guy to play with.