ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Open Skill, 6v6

International Original Team Name

Posted by Asi Pasasi: | Last Online:

We are a new team that want new players that are looking to get experience and have fun, you don't need prior experience, if you have a problem with playing alongside new players with little to no experience then don't join.
We need players to be subs for the classes currently in the rec post.
If you're interested add me on steam.
We will speak English and Scrim/practice how much time the team will think is needed.
If you ragequit/flame/just being mean a lot then don't join the team.
If you want to suggest a better name then go for it (this name is a placeholder).
(sidenote: be prepared to have some people with bad mics/coms and don't let that ruin your good time.)

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  1. Asi Pasasi said:

    All we’re missing now is subs and a good name.
    Players who have not added me and told me that they want (not debating) to join you can still do it now but you’ll probably be a sub (it depends on the role; If your a pocket then as long as your better than me you’ll be in the main roster, if you want to be something else then you will have to come to some agreement with the current role holder which I will link you to if you wish but I would like if the conversation would be with me so I could see how everything is happening).
    But seriously give us a better name.

  2. Asi Pasasi said:

    We got subs for the soldier roles so if you want those roles it will be complicated and I will give priority to players who came to the team early.
    Still don’t have a good name though.

  3. duck said:

    i havent played comp but id like to try to play scout
    i am young (12)
    i have sschool so not always available to play but i can speak english

  4. Gent said:

    Hello, I have a broad range of experience and knowledge on playing the Medic class and would like to start out playing 6’s for the first time. Though be it my first experience, I do already hold knowledge on how things pan out. I’m pretty good with the scout class too (not so much the Demo though) but would like a solid place as a Medic on your team.

  5. enbezee: utokepes said:

    Hey,i can play demo i am keen and i want some experience