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Pyro  High/Mid Skill, Highlander

Poland Galax

Posted: | Last Online:

lft season 16 etf2l

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:214310210 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left FANATIC [Highlander] Elysioner
Joined FANATIC [Highlander] .
Left Poland [6v6] mlodzier
Left ABANDON SHIP [Highlander] Galax
Joined ABANDON SHIP [Highlander] adam
Left Multipla Fans [Highlander] Galax
Joined Poland [6v6] mlodzier
Left pootis to mid [6v6] Galax
Joined pootis to mid [6v6] Galax
Joined Multipla Fans [Highlander] Bayor
Left Multipla Fans [Highlander] Bayor
Joined Multipla Fans [Highlander] Bayor
Left We are Finnish [Highlander] Galax
Left SMURF GAMING [6v6] TBE pez
Joined SMURF GAMING [6v6] kuba
Joined We are Finnish [Highlander] ahmed1mustafa
Left Multipla Fans [Highlander] J.Kassing
Joined Multipla Fans [Highlander] J.Kassing

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High/Mid 1 294
View High 1 234


  1. warraha: Pawel - GRkg said:

    best polish pyro and second best pyro in high ;]
    pick him up guys :D

  2. samii: myx - SUCK said:

    He’s good

  3. J.Kassing: BBG said:

    Negative attitude towards most games (even scrims lmao). Beign childish is his speciality (towards opponents and also teammates). Don’t recommend at all.

  4. mlodzier said:

    improved a lot with poles, Jeżeli Houston mówisz prawdę to młodszy zawsze uczy się od starszych z tego trzeba wysunąć pewne wnioski ;ppp pozdrawiam

    deserve a solid team to make another prem from our sweet country

  5. supra: (Webmaster) - BIRD - BIRD said:

    a bit retarded as a person, but really good as a player
    if he grow up, he will be great :D

  6. J.Kassing: BBG said:

    Prędzej od kolegów z gimnazjum sądząc po zachowaniu

  7. J.Kassing: BBG said:

    Ale peks w jednym masz racje, negative attitiude to od klejmura przejął to racja

  8. mlodzier said:

    Tl:dr nie chodziło mi właśnie szczegolnie o ciebie houston tylko o środowisko

  9. Galax said:

    Houston is funny lul

  10. Lil Jessica said:

    Galax jest lepszym spyem od Houstona. Polecam gracza

  11. Bayor said:

    His gangsta name is “Lil Feri”