ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Open Skill, Highlander

European Enigmatic Owl's

Posted by Slepyyy: | Last Online:

We are looking for experience person.
If you do not have it and you care about a good atmosphere and a good start with ETF2L you do not need to be afraid either.
We are looking for people from all over Europe and the requirements are simple:

1. Never give up

2. Draw conclusions from the loser

3. Always resolve conflicts peacefully

Any post please post on profile steam – http://steamcommunity.com/id/MalNurishment1/

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  1. Dursi said:

    Personally, if nobody else has taken the engie spot, I’d love to try it. I’ve been wanting to get into competitive tf2 for a while.

    On my profile, it says that I’ve played tf2 for almost 1000 hours, but around 550 of those hours are idle.
    I’m by no means a particularly great engie, but I hope you’ll have me.


  2. Krieg strudel: FE said:

    Looking to join your highlander team. Canplay as Medic, engi,soldier or heavy

  3. Carnage said:

    I want to trial as sniper

  4. Figaro said:

    so you guys still making a team if so i would still love to join as sniper

  5. Bulyto: GAMA said:

    i can play sniper/demo if your still recruiting i have 2500h and know how the game works

  6. biermo said:

    Heyho, a friend and me are looking for a team together.
    I do soli (sometimes heavy)
    my friend (King of Nisius) does pyro, spy, heavy
    if you wanna ask anything , just add me.

  7. Lost said:

    i really want to start playing competitive tf2 and really want to be in a team i have almost 500 hours and can play spy, scout, demo and medic, im not good at it (like the other classes ive mentioned) but ive been trying out engineer recently and it has been going really well. ive added u on steam and i hope i can get somewhere as a tf2 player

  8. thrieks3 said:

    Hi i wanted to Play highlander for a while now and so i took this chance.
    I’m from Germany and i have no Problems with speeking english.
    I would like to play Pyro but im also not a bad Medic, Sniper, Heavy and scout.
    I habe 1.3k hours in tf2 and i know some Basic rules about what to do in highlander.

    Also of anyone Looks at my stats. I resetted them when i had 700 h so i have a lot More time
    at each class.
    Note: im still in School so being a sub wouldnt be the worst.

  9. zander said:

    finnish medic main here, would love to join that team of yours!

  10. Silver: ITIFY - Mq. said:

    I’m up for a spot on pyro as main/sub, add me on steam and we can talk about it, I’ve been playing as a sub for a low end open highlander team as pyro and i’m looking for a nice team wich can have a good atmosphere.

  11. Jag: THUGPRO - $$$ said:

    Hey, I’d love to join the team as a Scout,
    I’m from Germany but my English is enough to tell my team everything they’d need to know.
    I only have about 400-450 hours in TF2 but I think I can do good for what I have.
    I could also play as Soldier, Sniper or Heavy.

    Thanks, Jag

  12. _TAZZ said:

    I’d like to join as Sniper.
    I have 1700hrs ingame and most of them as Sniper.
    It may be my first HL team but I know my role as a sniper.

  13. Per-Cent00: BIRD - BIRD said:

    Irish spy main with 300+ hours in spy and 1500+ hours in tf2. I have no previous competetive experience apart from tf2c and would love to join my first team. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198203160100/