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Sniper  Open Skill, Highlander

Italy Legatus

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm bad

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:297077244 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Secure Yourself [Highlander] Pizzi
Joined mandate foto denti [6v6] Pizzi
Left entro ᴀɴᴛᴏɴʏ esco Ɇ₦₮ⱧO₦l [6v6] Legatus
Joined entro ᴀɴᴛᴏɴʏ esco Ɇ₦₮ⱧO₦l [6v6] croix
Left Brann+5 [6v6] Legatus
Joined Italy [National 6v6 Team] croix
Joined Brann+5 [6v6] mAdyy
Left SIMPsons [6v6] adr0
Joined SIMPsons [6v6] adr0
Left Wall Rats [6v6] Legatus
Joined Wall Rats [6v6] Strife
Left froggers [6v6] Legatus
Joined froggers [6v6] Riis
Left Riccione eSports [6v6] Legatus
Left Papeete Beach [6v6 Fun Team] Legatus
Joined Papeete Beach [6v6 Fun Team] Fryed
Joined Riccione eSports [6v6] Fryed
Left lindenstrasse? ist das von kollegah [6v6] Legatus
Joined lindenstrasse? ist das von kollegah [6v6] matarazzi
Left Haha Etf2l Data Go bzzzzzz [6v6] Legatus
Joined Haha Etf2l Data Go bzzzzzz [6v6] Black
Left go woke or go bloke ♿ [6v6] Jake
Joined go woke or go bloke ♿ [6v6] renhoop
Left ???? [6v6] Legatus
Joined ???? [6v6] khamba
Left buud baited me. like s33 i think [6v6] Legatus
Joined buud baited me. like s33 i think [6v6] Buud
Left Aether [6v6] Legatus
Joined Aether [6v6] GENERAL ZERO
Left Big Pokal Time [6v6] Legatus
Joined Big Pokal Time [6v6] st0rm
Left Pisamerda [6v6 Fun Team] Legatus
Joined Pisamerda [6v6 Fun Team] khamba
Left Ural Sexy Boys [6v6] Legatus
Joined Ural Sexy Boys [6v6] maggy
Left entro ᴀɴᴛᴏɴʏ esco Ɇ₦₮ⱧO₦l [6v6] Legatus
Left Terra Dei Fuochi [Highlander] Legatus
Left Nico e i sardi [6v6 Fun Team] Legatus
Joined entro ᴀɴᴛᴏɴʏ esco Ɇ₦₮ⱧO₦l [6v6] draky
Left eZ eSports [6v6] Hist3rim
Joined eZ eSports [6v6] draky
Joined Nico e i sardi [6v6 Fun Team] draky
Left Team Colonslash: Cheerios [6v6 Fun Team] Legatus
Joined Terra Dei Fuochi [Highlander] Hist3rim
Left No Honking $350 Fine [Highlander] Legatus
Left Colombian DM Heroes ™ [6v6] Legatus
Left Kyron eSports [LAN Team] Legatus
Joined No Honking $350 Fine [Highlander] HeeSang
Joined Colombian DM Heroes ™ [6v6] HeeSang
Left Ice Hotel [6v6] vita
Joined Kyron eSports [LAN Team] Morgan
Joined Ice Hotel [6v6] Morgan
Left Super Strong Sexy Primes [6v6] Legatus
Left Kyron eSports [Highlander] Morgan
Joined Super Strong Sexy Primes [6v6] HumanCake
Left Ice Hotel [6v6] Morgan
Joined Ice Hotel [6v6] Harris
Left Shitler's Road to Prem [6v6] Sgt Doe Crits
Joined Shitler's Road to Prem [6v6] Sgt Doe Crits
Left fuck, our med is Gon [6v6] Legatus
Joined fuck, our med is Gon [6v6] StellarHoxy
Joined Team Colonslash: Cheerios [6v6 Fun Team] Included_Middle
Left Pyro Causes Autism [6v6] Pycrow
Joined Kyron eSports [Highlander] Morgan
Left Team SniperScout [Highlander] Legatus
Joined Pyro Causes Autism [6v6] Zoid
Left Team Colonslash: Cheerios [6v6 Fun Team] Legatus
Left Pyro Causes Autism [6v6] Legatus
Joined Team SniperScout [Highlander] StellarHoxy
Joined Pyro Causes Autism [6v6] Cyanic
Joined Team Colonslash: Cheerios [6v6 Fun Team] Included_Middle
Left Ginyu -Reborn [Highlander] Nabla
Joined Ginyu -Reborn [Highlander] Nabla
Left Kyron eSports [Highlander] Morgan
Joined Kyron eSports [Highlander] Morgan
Left Saturday Morning Memers [Highlander] LinkTheHobbit
Joined Saturday Morning Memers [Highlander] Fifato

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  1. Godz Ares said:

    The Italian Clockwork, gonna carry in prem xDD

  2. Morgan: [R]eason said:

    Onestamente una delle spie migliori che io abbia mai visto. Potrebbe andare in high / prem senza problemi anche perchè una volta in open mi ha dimostrato che sa premere doppia v. In oltre included_middle lo ha fatto roster raidare per una season quindi ha una medaglia d’oro, MEDALS = SKILLS!!!

  3. inso: MANDEM - SENS said:

    Faceeeeee :3