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EngineerHeavyMedic  Mid Skill, Highlander

European Flummery Friends

Posted by eyymiel: | Last Online:

Looking for some nice teamplaya's who wanna go mid for s13 in highlander (Iknow highlander SMH) but ye thats basically what im trying to go with in this recruitment post thing.
Heavy/engi/med needed
add me
we dont scrim, officials only cuz we all play 6s

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  1. nekro: poop said:

    I could go for some highlander, but I’m not really that experienced. Lost a couple of matches though. The only class I am not completely shit at is spy of course, but I guess there will be a lot of better alteranives anyway. oh well

  2. Lowenzahn: COGU said:

    I’m looking to join a team as either Pyro or Soldier since these are the only classes I’m ok-ish at, preferably Pyro because I’d like to improve. I don’t have a lot of experience apart from three rounds in a fun team though, but I’m happy to learn.

  3. WML said:

    can snip

  4. eyymiel: BMI said:


  5. Mr.Freeze: H.M.F. said:

    Hi i would like to join your team i Have 95h of Engi and 34h medic (something i am looking to improve) I can also play pyro if needed. I am a good team player and always try to be on my best behavour =)

  6. .: !add - noob said:

    I’m looking to join as a Medic. I have hundreds of hours on medic and some competitive experience