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HeavyPyroSniperSoldier  Prem/High Skill, 6v6 Fun Team

Croatia Cult Of ivan

Posted by Brian: | Last Online:


Back to ruin HL, just for UGC for now :^)

LF sub gamers, pls be at least iron,(sub sniper needs to have at least 20 mge wins against edgeward)

Alex : team ivan so gay pubs

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  1. mellow said:

    Is this where Lurkki posts his bark boat design blueprints

  2. yugo: tri_prsta said:

    ajmo ustaše

  3. Fire: SENS said:

    happy circlejerking

  4. mellow said:

    ivan : im putting on the big season 12 iron badge just for this

  5. Brian: (Anti Cheat Staff) - hp said:

    Ivan: Birdy – ♠ said:
    Mon 18 Jan 2016, 18:44

    im prediciting how he will say how he baited us to make himself feel better also using memes as a way to combat the crushing psychological weight of being alive and getting bullied every day is not the way to go LOL

  6. yugo: tri_prsta said:

    “Forget stardust—you are iron. Your blood is nothing but ferrous liquid. When you bleed, you reek of rust. It is iron that fills your heart and sits in your veins. And what is iron, really, unless it’s forged?

    You are iron.

    And you are strong.”

  7. sek: SDCK! said:


  8. mellow said:

    does anyone still have the Kenny vocaroo clips

  9. zaint said:

    lemme smash on demo ;^)

  10. Gorzum said:


  11. Lemmy: Vaccinator said:

    Inb4 autistic screeching, slurping noises and finnish memes ;)

  12. Brian: (Anti Cheat Staff) - hp said:

    Edited :^)