ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


HeavyPyroScoutSpy  Open Skill, Fresh Meat

UnitedStates Colonel Dust

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi! I'm a newbie at competitive, I've played only casual (+community servers) for months and am currently at level 113 (if this is even cared about) I'm looking to join this upcoming tournament all about competitive newbies, I'm by myself, not any team. My main classes are pyro, spy, heavy and scout

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:247983648 Add Friend

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Joined Meam Dream Team [6v6] Macecurb

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  1. Lkfoster1: PootisLD said:

    can i join as a scout, medic, or heavy, I’m really good there and my comp experience is limited to a very few pugchamp games where i got rekd

  2. Furahvo said:

    We could use a second scout if you would like to join. :)

  3. captaindestroy said:

    im good at spy scout and pyro

  4. Martintechnologies said:

    I’m a medic main. I’d love to join!

  5. JustPlaying: IDC said:

    Hello. I would like to join your team. I can play soldier, engineer and medic. I have 630 or So hours of experience. And Im from Czech Republic so sorry for my English. But I can speak English don’t worry about that. So yea. If you could add me to your team i would be very happy.

  6. asdro2 said:

    I really would like to join on your team as demo.I would like to be on your team.

  7. Ricochet said:

    I main medic and he is main if you like to join our team add me we would like to see which is your best class my steam name is Ricochet or add our second leader ᴄᴀʟɪғᴏʀɴɪᴜᴍ for more information.

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