ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Open Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom redrumers

Posted by lybon: | Last Online:

Looking for all-class substitutes and a sniper sub.

See requirements if your interested below:

– MUST speak English and have Skype.
– Should be flexible with time for matches.
– You don't have to have lots of hours – we don't mind if you have 2000 or 20 hours.
– Be a good sport. Let's not get angry if we start losing, yeah?

If you are interested in becoming a substitute or a player, simply add me on steam.

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  1. Speccy said:

    Hi, I can play most of the classes so i don’t really mind what to take :3.
    I have more than 1200 hours of playing Tf2.
    I can play everyday and more on weekends.
    Here is my profile so you can add me if you want: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198069269274/

  2. PigeonNugget said:

    Hello i am a sniper/spy main and i am looking for a team. I can play all day as i dont have school or a job. add me http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198135959673/

  3. Unii: Kh. said:

    Main medic; 900 hours on the class.
    Got both skype, teamspeak and mumble. Speaks almost fluent english.

    previous experience; High-silver/low gold ugc and some highland and 6v6 experience in etf2l.

    Just a bit rusty haven’t played for a while.


    Can also play heavy/pyro but not as experienced.

  4. Disguy said:

    Hi im a main medic and can play almost every class (mainly medic) and I’m looking for a team and its my 1st time doing this competitive thing for tf2 since i mainly do pubs and other servers, I may not be the best but I will do what I can for the team.
    I have played around 567 hours in tf2 and i have Skype and I can speak English(my grammar may be bad at some point) and I just finished high school with nothing to do during this summer so i chose this time around to play back agin in tf2, I may be somewhat rusty.

  5. scrambled: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    I would highly suggest that you swap to Mumble(https://wiki.mumble.info/wiki/Main_Page) for team comms over skype. Many teams rent free servers at CleanVoice (http://cleanvoice.ru/free/mumble/en.html).

    Nearly everyone in the TF2 competitive community uses mumble, so its a good idea to familiarise youreselves with the program as you are expected to use it by many teams. You’ll find that the voice quality and latency is much superior to skype, and since it runs on a server there shouldn’t be any connection issues either.

  6. ThePWWP said:

    I have no experience in competitive.

    Classes: Scout, Medic, Sniper, Engineer.


  7. Galacticbee said:

    IGN: GalacticBee

    IRL: Jordan B

    Hours: 1881 (as of date 03/07/2016)

    Hours as classes that i will play:
    Pyro: 67.3
    Scout: 58.9

    Experience: No seasons, practiced in tf2 centre, practiced with other comp players in MGE.

    Reliability: Tf2 centre stats show evidence of this: https://tf2center.com/profile/76561198154790303

    Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Galacticbee/

  8. extrasolar: officer - TC said:

    I would highly suggest that you swap to Mumble(https://wiki.mumble.info/wiki/Main_Page) for team comms over skype. Many teams rent free servers at CleanVoice (http://cleanvoice.ru/free/mumble/en.html).

    Nearly everyone in the TF2 competitive community uses mumble, so its a good idea to familiarise youreselves with the program as you are expected to use it by many teams. You’ll find that the voice quality and latency is much superior to skype, and since it runs on a server there shouldn’t be any connection issues either.

    ThePWWP said: