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EngineerPyroScoutSniperSpy  High/Prem Skill, Highlander

France Ganon

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello I'm the friendly frenchie Ganon.

As I have played a lot of highlander seasons as spy in high and some mercs for prem teams. I decided to put high/prem. Can apply for Dlan too.
But also as I have played a lot of spy, I would be interested to try some classes I'm good at.

About my skill level per class :
Scout : High+
Pyro : High+
Engie : High +
Sniper : Mid+ to High
Spy : High/Prem – Can gunspy or cloaked spy, tell me what you prefer to play with

I stream all scrims / mercs / officials so you can watch replays on my twitch channel twitch.tv/ganonjr
And mostly looking for spy spots

+ A LOT of experience in high – platinum and mercs in prem
+ Can gunspy AND cloak spy
+ Available everyday
+ Accept criticisms
+ Spreadsheet master
+ Can arrange scrims
+ Friendly
+ French
+ Keen
+ TF2 Wiki Translator

– Too friendly
– French (if you're racist)
– Boom beach
– Work in a sushi restaurant

If you're a team you'll have a BIG + if :
Long term team
Serious / Tryhardi team
Good players
Scrim a lot
Tell me what to improve or what I should change

Add me on steam or snapchat (ganonjr) for any details or trials.
You can also add me because I'm really friendly, cute, boom beach tips or anything :*

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:92537046 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left France [National Highlander Team] Kaylus
Left hlpugs.tf [Highlander] Nebula
Joined hlpugs.tf [Highlander] sun
Left Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies [Highlander] TheMasterOfDisaster
Joined France [National Highlander Team] MoistPenguin
Joined Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies [Highlander] TheMasterOfDisaster
Left Team Colonslash: Frosties [Highlander] Ganon
Joined Lucrosa Discount [6v6 Fun Team] 30.06
Left A new Order of Circlejerking [6v6 Fun Team] Ganon
Joined Team Colonslash: Frosties [Highlander] MoistPenguin
Left Team Dirt [Highlander] Marv
Joined A new Order of Circlejerking [6v6 Fun Team] Spycy
Left Clown 9 [6v6 Fun Team] Ganon
Joined Team Dirt [Highlander] Marv
Left Seriously? No... [LAN Team] MoistPenguin
Left UKIP [Highlander] Condawg
Joined UKIP [Highlander] Condawg
Left Moe moe Kyuuuun :3 [Highlander] Ganon
Joined Seriously? No... [LAN Team] MoistPenguin
Left Beau Jeu Gaming [LAN Team] Ganon
Joined Moe moe Kyuuuun :3 [Highlander] Bloodis
Left Legends.tf [Highlander] Ganon
Joined Beau Jeu Gaming [LAN Team] Spycy
Joined Clown 9 [6v6 Fun Team] NightWing94
Joined Legends.tf [Highlander] NightWing94
Left Good Enough: Jakiro [6v6] Sonny Black
Left Last minute effort [6v6 Fun Team] Sonny Black
Left Actually Killed by Highlander [Highlander] Sonny Black
Left On a pas gagne [2v2] Sonny Black
Joined Actually Killed by Highlander [Highlander] Aoshi
Left Good Enough [Highlander] Larath
Joined Last minute effort [6v6 Fun Team] Aoshi
Left Russain Bolt [6v6 Fun Team] Ganon
Joined Good Enough: Jakiro [6v6] birdy
Joined On a pas gagne [2v2] Ganon
Left Good Enough: Jakiro [6v6] birdy
Joined Good Enough: Jakiro [6v6] birdy
Left ôBowdel [6v6] Ganon
Joined Good Enough [Highlander] Larath
Left The Complete Bankers [Highlander] Ganon
Joined ôBowdel [6v6] ToRn4De
Left Pioneers [6v6] Ganon
Joined The Complete Bankers [Highlander] looseyleftie
Left Pioneers [Highlander] Ganon
Joined Pioneers [6v6] Atanor
Joined Russain Bolt [6v6 Fun Team] Ganon
Joined Pioneers [Highlander] Atanor
Left Breaking Neglect [Highlander] Ganon
Left bitchs work [6v6] irvin
Joined Breaking Neglect [Highlander] Bn' Lookkill
Joined bitchs work [6v6] irvin
Left Dat Fucking Geeks [6v6] Ganon
Joined Dat Fucking Geeks [6v6] Cake ♥

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem/High 10 593
View Prem/High 5 498
View Prem/High 11 705
View Prem/High 4 448
View High 2 344
View Open 0 343
View High 2 420
View High 8 596
View High/Prem 16 594
View High/Prem 4 478
View High/Prem 0 450
View High 0 395
View High 6 439
View High 2 264
View Mid 0 427
View High 2 423
View High 6 813
View Div 1/Div 2 14 863
View Div 4 0 319
View Div 5 0 379
View Div 4 0 436


  1. MoistPenguin: TC said:

    Seriously, Nooooooo!

    +rep is a great guy to play with and a good spy. Plus is very french

  2. Included_Middle: Bully said:

    Seriously, Nooooooo!

  3. Spycy: TC.Express said:


  4. Maxi: BRIT said:

    -didnt mention he is a weeb

  5. goMY: said:



  6. DyaWyb: (ETF2L Donator) - Let it rip said:

    Really nice fellow ! As far as his spy plays come I would rank him High spy =) .
    Don’t know about other classes.

  7. Ganon said:

    You saw me as a weeb at GA2016 maxi ? x)

  8. Ganon said:

    up, going to dlan 2016 btw. Tell me if you want me to take you french things

  9. Ganon said:


  10. Ganon said:

    edited & up

  11. Nightmare said:

    Hmmm, you’re a good spy, Ganon. A lot more experienced than me. But if I look at your logs against high/mid teams and compare your amount of frags with other spies I can only conclude that your skill is comparable to high mid / low high, and in no way close to prem.. I can’t find a single reason why you’d consider yourself that good of a spy. I’ve watched a stream of yours where your calls are very good, I’ll give you credit for that, but your damage just doesn’t make up for that. I think you should take some time to practice and plan out your picks a bit more. If I look at a scrim we’ve had a little while ago, your headshots are good but I got no idea where you shoot them at since your amount for kills did not make up for that.

    My advice would be to look for a keen mid team that will probably win mid, it’d give you an enormous experience and confidence boost which helps a lot. You’ll have some more headroom to try out new things and develop your own style. But for now, prem really is too much to hope for.

  12. TeaKay: BoyBrigade - -chess- said:

    Hello french man I have looked at logs and not seen you play so I think you’re not good!!!! you should add to your positive notes that you don’t call yourself toast jr though :)

    Jokes aside ganon is a fun and good play go pick him up friends.

  13. proky: G said:

    Hello french man I have looked at logs and not seen you play so I think you’re not good!!!! you should add to your positive notes that you don’t call yourself toast jr though :)

    Jokes aside ganon is a fun and good play go pick him up friends.

  14. 80x said:

    Hello french man I have looked at logs and not seen you play so I think you’re not good!!!! you should add to your positive notes that you don’t call yourself toast jr though :)

    Jokes aside ganon is a fun and good play go pick him up friends.

  15. 30.06: RATS said:

    Feel like you’re proud to be french

  16. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    good Enough

  17. Zamparonie: op_sqd said:

    still owns me one key

  18. Domaytoe: (Certified Puntomime) - A51 - op_sqd said:

    I don’t get the attitude of players these days, people judging people that played way before them.
    I normally dont participate in stuff like that, but I see rather questionable behaviour too often for my likings these days. Therefore Ganon, good luck and pls DLAN, there’s a disturbingly high lack of spy mains atm.

  19. Ganon said:

    I don’t get it too. I guess I’ve already shit talked some spies who had played before me (I regret that to be honest).

    But honestly, I don’t give a shit of these new ego spies. Fuck them :’)
    I’m too friendly for this shit :’)

    I love you :*

  20. Speedead: @ said:

    Its a recruitement post so people post their advice about people, Nightmare is a good spy and better than ganon so he told him to win some experience before look for prem and seems legit about it

    But chill he didnt flame anyone :3


  21. 1pt: CC said:

    Learn from Nightmare, you will do better in the future.

  22. Popkern: BE. said:

    Its a pick class so judging from logs isnt the most retarded thing like everyone here is making out, ganon has good aim but just has 0 clue how to play against a team with awareness and comms, just work on that.

  23. Angel of Hell said:

    The best

  24. TeaKay: BoyBrigade - -chess- said:

    17:27 – Popkern @Switzerland: Cancer tag

    His logs show nothing of how great his comms are, don’t get me wrong I don’t think you are ready for prem yet ganon but easily high. saying he has 0 clue is a massive dick move because he clearly does, how would you even be able to say he has 0 clue from logs?? Anyway Ganon is a great player and as much as I don’t think he is ready for prem he can just join popkern’s team, get cut then popkern will big him up as if he is prem.

  25. Popkern: BE. said:

    “how would you even be able to say he has 0 clue from logs??”

    i played against him multiple times as pyro thats how

    “he can just join popkern’s team, get cut then popkern will big him up as if he is prem”

    sounds like youre implying i do that, when i dont, tk pls. sorry for sounding so harsh here ganon but here are 3 different people who have no bias towards you giving an honest opinion, it says in your post you can take critisicm.

  26. Nightmare said:

    Some cunning comments from Domaytoe and Ganon which I would love to answer. I would also like to citate from Ganon’s post: + Accept criticisms <- which I am doing, no need for other people to get butthurt in Ganon's place and make stupid comments without arguments that I haven't seen Ganon play (which I have) or that I call myself toast.jr. (which I don't)

    Domaytoe: I don’t get the attitude of players these days, people judging people that played way before them.

    So? I even said that in my previous post that Ganon is more experienced than me, it's not an excuse for bottom scoring against a mid team and still calling yourself prem. In fact if Ganon has played a lot more than me why does he have the gamesense of a mid player? Why doesn't he have any consistency if I look at his logs.

    I'm getting pretty tired of this "dream foundation" that people keep creating. Iron spies thinking they can play silver/mid, open spies thinking they can go plat. Ganon clearly showed in a scrim against my team that he's not high and nowhere near prem. Yet all his friends comment here but none of those comments except for dyawyb specifically say he's high/prem, so I'm presuming most people here agree that he's not high/prem. Now I don't want to base my information from 1 scrim, so I looked at Ganon's logs.. and they show the gamesense of a mid spy against high teams.

    As a person who tries very hard to improve himself every day by help from tons of others, by feedback from others and trying out news things but most important knowing my limits. and when I see spies like you bottom scoring a lot against high/mid teams even though you got a lot more experience than a "new" player like me it annoys me that you call yourself prem which you clearly aren't… It's so easy for spies like you to create such illusions since you're surrounded by people that keep telling you that you're doing good but probably no one tells you what to improve or what you do bad. I even got a feeling you don't try to improve yourself at all and just keep playing believing you're suited for higher divs.

    Now then that was a lot of text, but I do want to say I'm nowhere near trying to slander and I got no personal hate or grudges towards you, Ganon. But you should realise that you are not good enough for prem and should wonder whether high is even the right place for you. Work on your gamesense and awareness against good communicating teams like Popkern mentioned. Headshotting everyone is a very nice skill but not knowing when or who to headshot makes it very useless..

  27. Nightmare said:

    +TeaKay, Yeah I’ve watched a stream from Ganon. His calls are great, better than mine, but his damage/frags don’t make up for that. I’d rather kill a med instead of calling out that he got 10 health.

  28. Ganon said:

    “i played against him multiple times as pyro thats how”
    Have we played together once ? I don’t think so

    “ganon has good aim but just has 0 clue how to play against a team”
    maybe that’s your opinion, but reading this from a pyro is not like reading this from a maincaller. And too, I can adapt for the team I’m playing for as it is says in my rec post.

    I don’t remember anyone who was unhappy for picking me or about my comms.

    Also, defending myself doesn’t mean I don’t give a shit about your opinion and critisims.
    I accept them and I approve some of them (not all).
    About my level I’m sure I deserve at least a good high team, and, I merced in prem more than a couple of times and I did great too. I’m sorry to not having streamed them.
    I’m confident of deserving a low prem team.

  29. Nightmare said:

    You should know that prem is all about consistency. If you’re going to do good on Monday, exceptional good on Tuesday, Super well on Wednesday, but thrash on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. How useful of a prem spy are you then in actuality? If you’re truly a low prem spy how come you got issues with outfragging mid/high spies, or in a different sense should all those spies also deserve a high/ low prem team? I’m sure we all have our good and bad days, in mid you can experiment with that, in high you can squeeze a bad match in once or twice but prem is unforgiving for an inconsistent spy.

    And yes you have played against Popkern. http://logs.tf/1417314

  30. Ganon said:

    “Have we played together once ? I don’t think so”
    Together = against o.O

  31. Nightmare said:

    Rather weird sentence context, I miss raid that. ;-)

  32. Ganon said:

    By the way, as you said Nightmare only 2 guys told me what I do bad and great. And I guess continue to speak to each other by this rec post is not the best way. So I propose anyone to add me on steam if they want to speak to me directly via steam private message. I don’t take your comments bad. I do agree for some things you say but not for others ^^

    So Nightmare & Popkern, now you said what you think, I think it’s useless to comment on this rec post anymore. Add me if you want to tell me more :)

  33. Cryyy said:

    Can my team stop pleaseeeeeeee I’m dying of cringe

  34. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    I’ll just clearly say that Ganon is good enough for High then.

  35. JustJosh said:

    A friendly frenchman… what more could you possibly want?

  36. TeaKay: BoyBrigade - -chess- said:

    So you have one game + one stream + some logs! as I said before he isn’t the best spy but he is no way a bad spy and easily ready for high, back when woolen had his first season of high he was dog shit at aiming and used to often show me parts of his pov where he cried about how many shots he missed, comms are massive for spy and I’d much rather have a great comming spy that isn’t the best at aiming than someone who can hit a lot more shots and not comm anything. However Ganon isn’t someone who misses a tonne of shots he hits a good amount he might not be the best spy in high or very close to it but he is no way the worst and him going mid would be such a waste of a great player. Last time I’m gonna comment about this as Ganon don’t want it and it all started as a meme anyway :> but tbf if sheezer is lft prem so can Ganon :~D

    Ps sorry if that makes no sense its like 1am and I need sleep so someone read me a bed time story pls xoxo

  37. Speedead: @ said:

    Good night TK !


  38. Jelly: (°)> said:


  39. yak: VNC said:

    I cringed a lot from this rec post

  40. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:

    I saw sheezer not topfragging once against dr med (a mid team for the 12th season in a row), is he now not good enough to have a lft prem post?

    No, he is still a great player, a prem team either picks him up or not. Case closed.

    But that was a hilarious read from ves.

    Back to ganon:

    Dont know anything about him, but i might need him to bring some french stuff to dlan \o/

  41. Ganon said:

    Tell me my friend, tell me ;)

  42. fishyard: ︻芫═一☺ said:

    Some people need a hobby very badly.

  43. Ganon said:

    watching naruto and trying to get a gf. that’s a hobby I guess

  44. Popkern: BE. said:

    Atzebumm you have aspergers

  45. WML said:

    Has good deals on Medals… ? :^)

  46. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:

    shit, now the insults with the meme sickness start

    @ganon i might have talked about that in an earlier rec post
    im talking about cottage shower gel.
    caramel is best, but only found it in french stores. thanks in advance, payment would be done on lan (if that wouldnt bother you).

  47. 30.06: RATS said:


  48. Ganon said:

    @Atzebumm sure I can find it easily, 2,35€/u. How many of them do you want ?

    edited : added snapchat

  49. Laskar said:

    U nubz Nightmare omg let’s Ganon carry u

  50. AlienSmiley: DTR said:

    ganon is a piece of garbage but everybody loves him <3

  51. Laskar said:

    Alien say the true