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Pyro  High Skill, Highlander

England TeaKay

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello I want to play the fire man class.

Etf2l and ugc next season.

Only main offers, I already have 2 sub offers for high pyro.

K thanks I'll go play pokemon now add me bye.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:112000400 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left England [National Highlander Team] cloudy
Joined Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Kaylus
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] TeaKay
Joined Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] proky
Joined bean [6v6] woolen
Left Team Team The Dream [6v6] TeaKay
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] JoeN
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] JoeN
Joined Team Team The Dream [6v6] Thndr.
Left Resident6Sleeper [6v6] TeaKay
Joined Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Included_Middle
Left Budget Toucans [Highlander] TeaKay
Joined England [National Highlander Team] cloudy
Joined Budget Toucans [Highlander] Chef Excellence
Left Team Colonslash: Frosties [Highlander] TeaKay
Joined Team Colonslash: Frosties [Highlander] MoistPenguin
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] JoeN
Joined shitduo + disney princess [2v2] sinr
Left please for the love of god dont starve [2v2] TeaKay
Joined Resident6Sleeper [6v6] TeaKay
Left Aztec-Globals [6v6] TeaKay
Joined Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Leila
Left Team Colonslash: Frosties [Highlander] TeaKay
Left Seriously? No... [LAN Team] MoistPenguin
Joined Crossing 2 Borders [6v6 Fun Team] Rainee
Left KAAWAAI KILLAHZ [6v6 Fun Team] TeaKay
Joined Seriously? No... [LAN Team] MoistPenguin
Joined Aztec-Globals [6v6] MoistPenguin
Left Illuminaughties [6v6] TeaKay
Joined Illuminaughties [6v6] Willdabe4st
Left EU Gimmicks [6v6] TeaKay
Joined EU Gimmicks [6v6] proky
Left Epsilon WiiSports [6v6] TeaKay
Joined KAAWAAI KILLAHZ [6v6 Fun Team] Gigi
Joined Team Colonslash: Frosties [Highlander] Coolbeans
Left Prefix [Highlander] TeaKay
Joined please for the love of god dont starve [2v2] TeaKay
Joined Prefix [Highlander] Gigi
Left Team Colonslash: Frosties [Highlander] TeaKay
Left Ermehgerd HLO [6v6 Fun Team] TeaKay
Joined Team Colonslash: Frosties [Highlander] Lux
Joined Epsilon WiiSports [6v6] TeaKay
Left FAHK Incorporated [Highlander] TeaKay
Left Illuminaughties [6v6] TeaKay
Joined Ermehgerd HLO [6v6 Fun Team] Lux
Joined FAHK Incorporated [Highlander] Coolbeans
Joined Illuminaughties [6v6] Letterbox

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View High 20 792
View Mid/High 15 451


  1. proky: G - MM25 said:

    carries TC frosties would recommend

  2. Included_Middle: :think: said:

    carries both my HL team and 6s team, best gamer

  3. drew: -Xe- said:

    dont bother trial he will stay on frosties

  4. fsidu: (ETF2L Donator) - Rev. said:

    i ubered him once and he killed something i think it was a pyro man it was cool

  5. Forty-Two: LOOΠΔ said:

    didn’t give me a hat for adding him on steam I don’t think he can be trusted

  6. the walnut: LOOΠΔ said:

    Added him crafted a hat and gave it to me 10/10

  7. No Love: TC said:

    Has pretty hats, which means he has pretty skills

  8. Popkern: BE. said:

    dont need more english pyros

  9. Nightmare: AVN said:

    Has a Vulpix as profile picture, I never liked Vulpix.


  10. MoistPenguin: TC said:

    He is weeb gamer, dont give spot so he stays playing engie for me kthx

  11. BigT: TC - MEGA$$ said:

    Teakay: Please meme on my recpost.

    P.S.: Has a Circling Heart Head Warmer.

  12. Included_Middle: :think: said:

    “I am wrench” – TeaKay 2016

  13. Speedead: @ said:


  14. sinr said:

    Can do high as pyro. Very fun guy, solid player.

  15. mya said:

    best memer and pokemon nerd, 10/10

  16. drew: -Xe- said:

    noob bump

  17. woolen: BoyBrigade said:


  18. TeaKay: BoyBrigade - -chess- said:

    I like games.

  19. Popkern: BE. said:

    ur bad