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DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Mid Skill, LAN Team

UnitedKingdom Wuba

Posted: | Last Online:

Gonna steal yo beers.
A bonus would be if I could get a travel buddy from around London.
For deutschLan.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:110675242 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined wuba fanclub [Highlander] Crake
Left L3RDZ [6v6] Zip
Joined Banana Bread [2v2] Raz
Joined L3RDZ [6v6] Zip
Left SKULL BREAKERS [6v6] Wuba
Left Yung wolves [6v6] Wuba
Joined Day 6s [6v6 Fun Team] Traitor
Joined Yung wolves [6v6] Firefly
Left my dad > your dad [6v6] Wuba
Joined Here for the Beer [LAN Team] Aoshi
Left my lan > your lan [LAN Team] Wuba
Left Actually Killed by Highlander [Highlander] Wuba
Joined my lan > your lan [LAN Team] gemm
Joined my dad > your dad [6v6] gemm
Left Half Tilt [6v6] Wuba
Left +JapLAN [LAN Team] Wuba
Joined +JapLAN [LAN Team] RJ
Left Here for the Beer [LAN Team] Wuba
Joined Half Tilt [6v6] haris
Left blue [6v6] Wuba
Joined blue [6v6] DCS
Left Smooth Operators [6v6] Wuba
Joined Actually Killed by Highlander [Highlander] Aoshi
Left Midnight Society [Highlander] Wuba
Joined Smooth Operators [6v6] BARA
Left blue [6v6] Wuba
Joined Midnight Society [Highlander] The Ace of Spades
Left revolver|pew pew [Highlander] Wuba
Joined Here for the Beer [LAN Team] Aoshi
Joined revolver|pew pew [Highlander] Crake
Left Confused Mexicans [Highlander] Wuba
Joined blue [6v6] Crake
Left Shirtless e-sports [6v6] Wuba
Joined Confused Mexicans [Highlander] Uran
Joined Shirtless e-sports [6v6] cock
Left Sylvanian Families 2013-2014 [6v6] Wuba
Joined Sylvanian Families 2013-2014 [6v6] tash
Left Sylvanian Families 2013-2014 [6v6] Wuba
Left Apple Crumble [Highlander] Wuba
Joined I'm so lonely [1v1] Wuba
Joined Apple Crumble [Highlander] Spur SGJ
Left Under Age [Highlander] Wuba
Joined Sylvanian Families 2013-2014 [6v6] Katie
Joined Under Age [Highlander] Katie

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