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Sniper  Mid/High Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom BrinKK

Posted: | Last Online:

People chat shit, go for it
People who think they're funny memers, keep on memeing
Mid/High Trial

Cut your sniper

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:159244245 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Brigshaw's English Club [Highlander] BrinKK
Joined Brigshaw's English Club [Highlander] Roomaan
Left Muffin Crunchers [Highlander] BrinKK
Left Generic 6's team name [6v6] BrinKK
Joined Muffin Crunchers [Highlander] Yxxo
Left Pocket Rocket [Highlander] BrinKK
Joined Pocket Rocket [Highlander] Kim
Joined Generic 6's team name [6v6] LewisWTF
Left TF2IsDead [6v6] BrinKK
Left The Spanish Inquisition [Highlander] BrinKK
Joined The Spanish Inquisition [Highlander] Freddy
Left The Gibus Gang [Highlander] Lucian
Joined The Gibus Gang [Highlander] Freddy
Joined TF2IsDead [6v6] LewisVAC

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Mid 10 510
View High 41 1157
View Mid/High 21 1177


  1. Useless: TC.Noobas said:


  2. shinso said:

    wanna exchange pics?

  3. Manky said:

    Running away from reality won’t make it fad away…

  4. MoistPenguin: TC said:

    I think most teams dont want creeps playing sniper, gl finding a team all the same

  5. Kim: BOMB - Nom. said:

    You can keep making recruitment posts, but we will find it, and we will post on it.

    send me some nudes bby

  6. Munky: AEUGH said:

    Someone called you out for sexually harassing them. You are the internet equivalent of a flasher who gets sexual kicks from forcing people to see your genitals.

    You aren’t the victim here.

  7. Brian: (Anti Cheat Staff) - hp said:

    Despite drama, not high, good mid sniper though.

  8. ivan: TC said:

    chat shit get dick LOL

  9. Temrane: cooking - Atria said:

    rudey and nudey

  10. Bat: TC: Ox - TC said:

    congrats brinkk, you’re now well know in the competitive community, every pickclass main’s dream