ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Mid Skill, Highlander

International Fun times with autistic leader

Posted by Baron One-Eye: | Last Online:

New fun team. No tryharding alowed.
Add me for shit talk and other shit too.
And yes i'm the leader.
Might have couple players already, but almost every class is free, Because this is a fun team you know?! or not? If not maybe not the team you looking for

Thease might be the players and classes who might play.

Whiiiiiiiiiite: Medic/solly/demo (medic)
Dya: Too many classes (pyro/or as filthy spy main?)
Kaljakone: Engy main can play other classes than engy? (Engy)
Baron: Idk (solly?)
Cubesyy: Sniper/Demo (demo)
Gala: Sniper
The Earl of Puddin: Heavy
Elyass: Scout

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  1. Gala: ooj. - NANDO'S said:

    got sniper spot?

  2. Amadren: KIWI said:

    Got a medic spot?

  3. shmu said:

    I like autism you need a demo/solly?

  4. Alice: SOUL - DFGG said:

    i would insta join just because of the leader <3

  5. Legeranydd said:

    Got some scout open places?

  6. Baron One-Eye: KHUULIYO said:

    One more player and we can try to start the fun! Will you be the last player we need? Who knows. I think i would prefer a pyro or spy player but, i doesn’t matter, classes may change and shit like that idk. If you want to have fun just add me, and let’s see if you are the one we need (or i, because i’m almighty leader and others are my slave….. i mean team mates)

  7. Hermes00 said:

    got any scout spots?