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ScoutSniper  Open/Mid Skill, Highlander

European Boars of Argad

Posted by Lawrence G P: | Last Online:

Hello people from Europe!
The Boars of Argad has been reborn and now has the original owner actually playing in the team.

We are planning to train until we have a solid working team put together for highlander.
Players ranging from open and mid are accepted. (mid/high crossers are also welcome I guess?)

Anyways, if you're in to play with a social, competitive team base, this might be the group to join.
For questions and the like; Just add the owner. You can find his account here;


You'll be tested trough a 9's trial and if you play scout/soldier/demo, you might also get tested in a 6's match to see how well you are at that. (Ask the owner why he tests those classes in 6's)

You can find the group here;


So, if you're LFT, and want to have a fun, social, dedicated group to go with, take a look!

You must have a working way of using voice communication.
You must be able to speak English
You must be able to play on Saturdays between 19:30-22:30* (Unless something has come up)
You must have at least 1000 hours in tf2
You must have played competitive before! No exceptions!
Don't lie about your experience in comp.

*This also means that if the scrim was announced 4 days prior to the scrim time, you are required to play if you have not told me that you have other plans, if not, you get a strike.

Two strike system; If you don't announce that you can't play a scrim two days prior to it, you'll get a strike. Even if you come up with any kind of reason. "Oh, I didn't know we had it today." or "I already had another scrim planned."
Even if a family member of yours died and you're too whiny to play, or you're supposed to go to their funeral, I won't give a shit. This is competitive Tf2, not fun games and playtime Tf2.
Second strike, you're out. I don't tolerate people who don't check the rosters and the planning in the steam group.

If I say that you're not good enough for the team, I don't want any whining, you should have known that this could happen.
Same goes for if you make the team, and a better player enters your spot. Either go for the sub slot, or find a new team.

– Lawrence G P, a.k.a. Apocalyptic Renegade.

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  1. 4u5t1n: 6>9 said:

    Added, I can play Soldier, Engineer and Pyro but Soldier is my best class

  2. Woona: 11/9 - L9 said:

    Added to ask about heavy slot c:

  3. Neurotoxic: GGENGI said:

    Added, i can play scout, soldier and sniper.

  4. Icke said:

    I have around 1400 on tf2 I main spyAnd I love this game?

  5. hondjo: WEED said:

    I would really really really like the Pyro slot.
    I have about 700hours in tf2, and enough experience to probably play with this team.
    I will not immediately use any third party programs like ts3 or mumble since i am a little shy.
    Hope i get accepted for the team :D
    Thanks for reading.

  6. Lil' Pootis said:

    added for soldier slot

  7. unabled said:

    added could play solly and sniper

  8. Scarry said:

    Looking for Spy slot. i have played in Frog Village (FV) /open for a while

  9. zambz: MANDEM said:

    added for spy

  10. Whiskey: NOFUTURE - Bacon said:

    Added, Have 150 hours as spy and a friend with 140 hours a sniper.

  11. numb: MAGDONAL - GYM said:

    This is my last game I played on TF2CENTER http://logs.tf/1246978. Feel free to add me on steam so we can talk! I am also 19 & from England if that’s information you needed to know :S. Thank you

    1000+ hours on TF2
    125+ Lobbies Played

    Steam name: Cat Smoking Kush In Space