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HeavyMedicPyroScout  Open Skill, Highlander

European Reckoning

Posted by ScotOfTheDay: | Last Online:

We are looking for A Medic, A Scout and a Pyro and Possibly a Heavy. Please consider as things in our team have been a little hectic.

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  1. CardiacX said:

    I would love to play medic for you, and can sub for heavy if you like. I’m looking for a team that is fun and wants to win, without being douches. I’d love to join you guys if you can. Thanks!

  2. MSC said:

    I would be very happy to play scout, If you’re okay with a player who’s new to playing competitive. I have 650 hours in the game, and watch competitive a fair amount, so I’m not completely hopeless! :P

  3. TheLocalPub said:

    If your pyro slot is open I’d like to try my luck at it.
    Done plenty of HL tflobbies, got about 610 hours on this account and around 500-600 on an old account I had years ago.

  4. Scrump said:

    Well my main two classes are Scout and Medic, and I have 565 hours in Tf2, 428 subs to my iFunny account and would love to join a team

  5. hondjo: WEED said:

    I am a Pyro and Medic main. I sometimes like to play scout but im really bad :/
    I hope the Pyro/Medic slots stay open. My playtime is 577 hours

  6. Snack: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Hi there. I’m a Heavy main in Highlander, whilst I do play a fair amount of 6’s medic. My experience when it comes to competitive in TF2 is just PUGs for now, but I’d love to get into an actual team and start doing some business. My playtime is 570 hours.

  7. 0uTca5t: *KIR said:

    Medic main with 1500 hours on the game. 50 lobbies on tf2 centre and looking to expand!


  8. Magic: cc said:

    I would like to be the pyro main in youre team.
    I have competitive experience, ive been in teams before.
    I have 1800 hours.
    Please contact me if you are interested:
    Thanks :D

  9. nickex11: LP said:

    I can use the scout or also the engineer
    Contact me if interested

  10. Fuzzy said:

    i can play scout, i have around 1500 hours in tf2 and over 100 on scout + 4 seasons of experience

  11. Blockystream said:

    i would like to be the medic for you’re team
    i have 1320 hours on tf2 and i have 103 hours on medic
    If you wish to contact me here is my profile :

  12. lille5nik said:

    I would love to be your scout.
    Got 1500 hours, only 150 lobbies but I’ve played TF2 since 2009, so I know my shit.

  13. eldocwho: G - GONZALES said:

    Hello, i would enjoy to play scout i your team. I didnt do comp at scout but I have some experience in my 6′ team.
    I have above 1250 hours and above 85 hours as scout.

  14. frazzie: War said:

    Would like to play scout I got around 1250 hrs on tf2, Got alot hours on scout but deleted stats so i cant check xd

  15. Uni said:

    would love to sub as a pyro, have over 1000 hours in game, around 200 as pyro. not much comp xp, but played some lobbies and a couple of scrims as a pyro sub in ugc hl iron.
