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Medic  Open/Mid Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Hydra

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm Hydra, Mid level Medic with 2 years of HL Med experience trying to get into 6s, I run my own HL team too.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:117268866 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Random Twitch Emote [Highlander] Hydra
Joined Random Twitch Emote [Highlander] Scruff
Left Banterlads [Highlander] Hydra
Joined Banterlads [Highlander] Temrane
Left Lexicrew [Highlander] Hydra
Left Vertigo [6v6] adam
Joined Lexicrew [Highlander] Hydra
Left Random Twitch Emote [Highlander] Hydra
Joined Random Twitch Emote [Highlander] Scruff
Joined Vertigo [6v6] adam
Left Team Crit Magnets [6v6] Hydra
Joined Team Crit Magnets [6v6] NYK

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Mid 2 430
View Mid 0 274


  1. Sevenad said:

    +rep great med should be in prem right now there must be a typo

  2. Krakob said:

    This gent is a pretty awesome one

  3. Firefly: SENS said:

    The controversies him and his “crew” were involved with in UGC proved he had a good attitude and is a mature gamer. Not a bad HL med from what I’ve seen not mid but would do well in open pick him up :3

  4. Urmahgawd said:

    Hello I’m looking into joining a competitive team. I’m new to comp so I might be just a little rusty.
    I’m good with Sniper and Scout. I don’t have that many hours but i used to play a lot on my old account that is now lost because someone hacked into the email of it. But anyways I hope that you guys might consider letting me join.

  5. Sevenad said:

    Dude the team recruitement page is not here rolf

  6. haiku said:

    hi i am tf2 player who wants to become a medic,i watch all of star videos and jerma so i am very skilled.i am good team play and lots of plans so give me invite here : steam.com