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Heavy  High/Prem Skill, Highlander

England Simba

Posted: | Last Online:

another no name simba putting up a rec post :(
rip my mega$ prem experience :(

seeing whats out there :)

ps thanks foungi for the opportunity <3333

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:97349794 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Weed Cake Sellers [Highlander] Fire
Joined Weed Cake Sellers [Highlander] Fire
Left Team Colonslash: Express [Highlander] Simba
Joined Team Colonslash: Express [Highlander] .zero
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Leila
Joined Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Leila
Left The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Left The German Intuition [6v6 Fun Team] Simba
Left Team Colonslash: Express [Highlander] Simba
Left Team Colonslash: Noobas [6v6] Simba
Joined Team Colonslash: Noobas [6v6] Useless
Joined The German Intuition [6v6 Fun Team] foungi
Left DA PIRATES [6v6 Fun Team] Simba
Joined DA PIRATES [6v6 Fun Team] Useless
Joined Team Colonslash: Express [Highlander] Oxy
Left Cold Fusion [Highlander] Simba
Joined Cold Fusion [Highlander] BoneSponge
Left Video Game Gamer Guys [Highlander] Simba
Joined Video Game Gamer Guys [Highlander] Simba

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 6 536
View High 23 1194
View High 6 500
View High 11 666


  1. Husky: MEGA$$ said:

    From what i’ve seen, he’ll do good in high with the right team.

  2. Giddy said:

    He just can’t wait to be king of your highlander team. Once he takes his place in the circle of your highlander team should play well and remmeber who he is.

  3. Piddox: Fe | said:

    High+ player, grab him.

  4. woolen: BoyBrigade said:


  5. bluR-: Pander said:

    solid heavy :)

  6. MoistPenguin: TC said:

    Could play prem heavy already has top prem memes.
    What more could you want from a heavy?

  7. WML said:


    Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
    Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
    Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
    Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh

    In the jungle, the mighty jungle
    The lion sleeps tonight
    In the jungle, the quiet jungle
    The lion sleeps tonight

    Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
    Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
    Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
    Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh

    Near the village, the peaceful village
    The lion sleeps tonight
    Near the village, the quiet village
    the lion sleeps tonight
    Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
    Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
    Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
    Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh

    Hush my darling, don’t fear my darling
    The lion sleeps tonight
    Hush my darling, don’t fear my darling
    The lion sleeps tonight

    Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
    Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
    Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
    Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh


    Note: Also a nice chap.

  8. foungi: 0fo - 0FO said:

    best heavy on the market. has great dm, will do amazing in any keen team cause he cares.

    also spices up comms with the best cucumber stories you’ve ever heard.

    would crush open with if etf2l let me

  9. Chronos: BMS said:

    Amazing heavy and really great guy. Prem for sure

  10. Asaaj said:

    Lost to Unu on LAN MGE

  11. Chewid: MEGA$$ said:

    would be a great part of any team

  12. .zero: -chess- said:


  13. goMY: said:


  14. Raptor: BTWFC - S-O said:

    Battle: http://puu.sh/kFvXA/053e720790.png

  15. Gigi: 7h - buud$cult said:

    crackin trackin, good gamesense and really good comms
    a great pickup for any team and was a joy to play demo with

  16. Fenix said:

    When you’ll get him on your Prem roster ask him to sing the rollout song ;)

  17. Teriyaki: hp said:

    sorry for parents think of simba D:

  18. Goreston said:

    Seemed highly (or should that be premly…) capable during the short time I got to play with him. Lovely guy, good comms, no proof he’s not an actual lion.

  19. ivan: TC said:

    the most fucking hilarious person who will carry your team gg

  20. Amarinder Ruprai: lizard said:

    transforms like optimus prime