ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanScoutSoldier  Open Skill, 6v6

European Imperialist Bastards With Long Noses!

Posted by Zenik: | Last Online:


We're a team who is looking for a scout and a demo.

We're looking for serious but also funny guys to play with for Season 22.

Add me (Zenik) or Tocco to trial.

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  1. Snoww said:

    Hey I’d like to have a trial. I can play Scout or Pocket. I am 13 years old but I am most certainly more mature than people in my age.

  2. pk and cufi are 2 cu said:

    Uhmm… Um… I’ve been maining solly but i changed to scout/ sniper recently. I’m interested in this team cause i don’t want to look like fool when i join an open/mid team; Annd…, how much should i hours have atleast? Cause i feel 735 hours i have is a bit too small for comp. So, back to the topic, Are you still open for new recruits? Cause i’m very interested. If you think i’m a hatless wanker, I’m not. Back then a person gave me a robo crate and a robo-key. I unboxed it and got an unusual toy tailor. (Cosmetic for pyro.) If you don’t beleve me check my screenshots. Igot scammed for the hat. So the person gave me 7 keys in items and I, being a fool accepted it. For about a year searching for a ggood deal i bought cs:go with all valuable items i had. (i cri everitem). Btw I’m level 0 on steam and premium on tf2. Here’s my steam url if you’re interested: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198134477132/