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DemomanScoutSoldierSpy  Mid/High Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates Knightfall

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello there it's Knightfall i'm Looking for Team Highlander or 6v6 I can play both but if you need me to play as a Spy then Highlander don't worry i'm good at them.

– I have a Mic.
– I'm mature but i'm 13 i don't care if you swear…

Well i think these are the most Important things? xD

Add me to Discuss more.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:164012405 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Kate's boys [6v6] Knightfall
Joined Kate's boys [6v6] Knightfall
Left FLP [6v6] Knightfall
Joined FLP [6v6] Henrald
Left Twinks [6v6] Knightfall
Left Nub Squad [Highlander] Knightfall
Joined Nub Squad [Highlander] name
Joined Twinks [6v6] hazz
Left Sandvich in Disguise [6v6] Knightfall
Joined Sandvich in Disguise [6v6] Will
Left Scrap Police [Highlander] Dj Colt
Left MGE eSports [6v6] Dark
Joined MGE eSports [6v6] Dark
Joined Scrap Police [Highlander] Lawless
Left Bronies [Highlander] Knightfall
Joined Bronies [Highlander] Emo Dash
Left Ωmega_ [6v6] Knightfall
Joined Ωmega_ [6v6] 3ricwk9

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  1. Knightfall said:

    I’m not American but i might go to the U.S i currently live in Egypt 60 – 70 Ping in E.U Servers.

    Might be 80 Sometimes because Mumble.

    But hey…… that doesn’t matter? at least for me…

  2. FreakE said:

    Would love to be your teams pyro. Information about me at http://steamcommunity.com/id/cramcron/
    Hours: 2420
    Mic: Yes.
    Skype: Yes.
    Skill: I would probably say mid/high
    Age: 14

  3. Phnx: kZk said:

    jesus this recposts are getting better and better.

  4. ElazulTF2 said:

    Grammar is not.

  5. Albertt said:

    His skills destroyed me. Pick him,could top high with a good team

  6. Asaaj said:

    Yo this boy be saying he mature but he spam Lennyface????

  7. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    not mature at all, complete retard