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MedicPyroScout  Mid Skill, Highlander

European Its Fun!

Posted by Predemo: | Last Online:

Hey, were going mid next season, messed up season 8 couse changed medics 5 times during it.
Add me for more info.

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  1. FLiKs said:

    I’d be interested to play in your team, but for upcoming month I won’t be available…

    My experience:

    -3 seasons ETF2L scout / soldier main, both sixes and hl;
    -1 season on UGC Iron as a hl scout main (http://www.ugcleague.com/players_page.cfm?player_id=76561198044843402);
    -206 lobbies on TF2Center (http://tf2center.com/profile/76561198044843402);
    -What you can expect from me is persistence and calmness, even if enemy is being a douche I mostly won’t get into “hate-spam”
    -Nationality: Poland
    -Good English, Mumble + TeamSpeak if needed;
    -In the upcoming summer vacations in Poland I’ll have more time, so scrimming / officials won’t be a problem (I think);
    -(optional / additional thing) My PB lobbies as scout, soldier + heavy (all HL): http://logs.tf/512433?highlight=76561198044843402 (soldier) http://logs.tf/839196?highlight=76561198044843402 (heavy) http://logs.tf/839284?highlight=76561198044843402 (scout)

    Add me on Steam for a talk, if you want to, of course. From Monday I’ll be less active on Steam for 1 month period, but then I can focus on playing with you guys.

  2. FeanorDForce said:

    Hi, there is a desire to play in your team for the scout.

  3. Crumbles said:

    Interested in playing Pyro. Added you on Steam to talk. :)

  4. Duwahkeen said:

    I could be a Pyro sub, as I don’t see myself playing a whole lot of comp/highlander in the near future. Only occasional lobbying and quite possibly mercing/subbing.

    I’m probably more experienced than the guy above me, as I’ve got quite the hours on that class.
    (My stats have been reseted a few times, so they’re not correct.)
    And it’d be an unfair advantage to have an experienced player as a main, so give that guy a go first. :)

    The only thing you’ll have to be aware of, is that I don’t have a functional microphone, but I still have Mumble and TeamSpeak, so I can at least listen to the calls. It has worked quite well for me, and not too many problems have occurred.

    Right now I’m a homeless Pyro and I just seek some hugs and a roof over my head. <3

  5. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    I recommend Andweuh