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Soldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

Italy benny

Posted: | Last Online:

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User Profile | SteamID: U:1:114793524 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left VINELLOTECH [6v6 Fun Team] benny
Left we are not smart [Highlander] benny
Left FSK [2v2] benny
Joined Doesn't matter [6v6] STiNGHAN
Left videogaymemes fanatics [6v6] benny
Joined videogaymemes fanatics [6v6] benny
Joined FSK [2v2] Fryed
Left MGE ME IRL [1v1] benny
Left FSK [2v2] benny
Left teamK [6v6] benny
Joined teamK [6v6] Living Weapon
Joined VINELLOTECH [6v6 Fun Team] robin
Left ACKSON [6v6 Fun Team] benny
Left Ganja Gang [6v6] benny
Joined ACKSON [6v6 Fun Team] armadillo
Left here we go [6v6 Fun Team] benny
Joined Ganja Gang [6v6] Philip
Left Gardienii Fortei Mistice [6v6] benny
Joined FSK [2v2] Fryed
Joined Gardienii Fortei Mistice [6v6] Demos
Left TIGER MAFIA [6v6] benny
Joined we are not smart [Highlander] kryma
Joined TIGER MAFIA [6v6] Jerome
Left last hope reborn [6v6] benny
Joined last hope reborn [6v6] euthanasia
Left Last Hopes [6v6] benny
Left BBall Colossi [2v2] benny
Joined here we go [6v6 Fun Team] euthanasia
Left San Genny Esport [6v6 Fun Team] robin
Joined Last Hopes [6v6] euthanasia
Left weadsada [6v6] benny
Joined weadsada [6v6] Kasdeus
Left guantofogliolibroscatolacappottopupazzo [6v6] benny
Joined guantofogliolibroscatolacappottopupazzo [6v6] robin
Left Bantermory sponsored by Sony DADC [6v6] Maxi
Joined BBall Colossi [2v2] benny
Joined Bantermory sponsored by Sony DADC [6v6] Maxi
Left guantofogliolibroscatolacappottopupazzo [6v6] benny
Left Goneids [2v2] benny
Left Ricefields' Dudes [Highlander] robin
Joined Goneids [2v2] .empiRe
Left AirCandies [2v2] benny
Joined guantofogliolibroscatolacappottopupazzo [6v6] robin
Left brb uninstalling [6v6] benny
Joined Ricefields' Dudes [Highlander] robin
Left Psyka Doing Work [Highlander] benny
Joined San Genny Esport [6v6 Fun Team] robin
Joined Psyka Doing Work [Highlander] iamzhevor
Joined MGE ME IRL [1v1] benny
Joined brb uninstalling [6v6] Menel christobal
Left Peddlers Squad [6v6] Evil
Joined Peddlers Squad [6v6] Evil
Joined AirCandies [2v2] benny
Left Def.Win Hunters [6v6] benny
Joined Def.Win Hunters [6v6] BeS
Left Def.Win Hunters [6v6] robin
Joined Def.Win Hunters [6v6] BeS
Left Fanci [6v6] benny
Joined Fanci [6v6] John
Left [Pαstα] [6v6] iamzhevor
Joined [Pαstα] [6v6] iamzhevor
Left Sigma eΣports™ [6v6] benny
Joined Sigma eΣports™ [6v6] mrca

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  1. Adrenaline said:

    It’s a good boy

  2. DereK: tbag said:

    top gamer

  3. HBFS said:

    My little finocchio.

  4. benny: DM said:

    hahaha <3

  5. Vitto said:

    All you gotta know is that he sucks at this game. His aim is so inconsistent becouse of his idiotic flicks, his english is almost as bad as his italian.

    [07:51 12/12/2014] Ghoovy: non lo so
    [07:51 12/12/2014] Ghoovy: me lo anno dettto ieri

    [22:39 08/12/2014] ‪Ghoovy: la mia vita fa schifo tutto fa schifo la mia connessione fa schifo la mi vita fa schifo il mio pc fa schifo tutto fa schifo la mia famiglia fa schifo tutto mi fa schifo e mio padre e un coglion di prima categoria che non capisce un cazzo della vita e che non ha mai saputo concludere nullA ed io faccio piu schifo di tutti dio porco dio cane dio porco dio porco.

    He also shittalks with his dumb friends like suko alla fruta and CARBONARO FA SERVIZI HITSOUND

  6. croix: traphouse - inVincible said:

    vitto back in highlander open

  7. Fenix said:

    Vitto butthurt 8)

  8. Vitto said:

    Fenix how is sniper in open? Oh no you dont know becouse you sub :)

  9. Fenix said:

    don’t* // because*

  10. Wollo: ^AS said:


  11. benny: DM said:


  12. Fenix said:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    mercoledì 6 maggio 2015
    23:17 – -=Vitto=-: Oh coglione
    23:17 – -=Vitto=-: Vieni a giocare tu in mid
    23:17 – -=Vitto=-: E vediamo se poi parli
    23:17 – -=Vitto=-: Testa di minchia
    23:17 – -=Vitto=-: Vieni a dirle in faccia le cose
    23:17 – -=Vitto=-: Anziche fare il bimbo
    23:18 – ? fenix ? merc?: Era un complimento.
    23:18 – -=Vitto=-: Ma stai zitti
    23:18 – -=Vitto=-: Zitto
    23:19 – -=Vitto=-: Che il team migliore di mid perde perche ci vado io
    23:19 – -=Vitto=-: Coglione
    23:20 – -=Vitto=-: Che ero quello che sapeva giocare meglio dopo l’engi che era quello con piu esperienza visto che aveva giocato in prem…
    23:20 – -=Vitto=-: E tu sei rimasto 5 weeks senza team
    23:20 – -=Vitto=-: E sei andato sub…in open poi
    venerdì 8 maggio 2015
    16:15 – -=Vitto=-: vedi perche sei un povero sfigato :) non hai coraggio di dire le cose in faccia
    16:15 – -=Vitto=-: torna a vedere gli anime testa di cazzo
    16:15 – ? fenix ? merc?: 16:15 – -=Vitto=-: vedi perche sei un povero sfigato :) non hai coraggio di dire le cose in faccia
    16:15 – -=Vitto=-: torna a vedere gli anime testa di cazzo
    16:15 – -=Vitto=- is now Offline.

  13. croix: traphouse - inVincible said:

    qualcuno è mad e sta perdendo la mid

  14. whiteee: autism.tf said:

    come si gioca a questo gioco

  15. Tortello: eG. said:

    Wow,lately italian’s recruitments are so funny

  16. Logan: GbK said:

    so yeah if you are willing to get this guy in your team be ready to ear a shitload of bad english calls an inconsistent aim and a retarded dude screaming over an airshot, good luck, ah, his fragmovies are worse than his english knowledge

  17. robin said:

    porco dio

  18. Logan: GbK said:

    ah, people are telling me that it is actually “hear” Kappa

  19. benny: DM said:

    paolo hahahahaha poverino :^)

  20. benny: DM said:

    so yeah, basically, div 6 poeples gonna rage here, nice mad :^)

  21. benny: DM said:
