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Sniper  Mid Skill, Highlander

Denmark UltimatePopcorn.

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for an ETF2L team as sniper.
Availability around 19-21CEST.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:91469777 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Valhalla [Highlander] UltimatePopcorn.
Joined the seppuku rice club [6v6 Fun Team] KemNG
Joined Valhalla [Highlander] shinso
Left The Complete Bankers [Highlander] UltimatePopcorn.
Joined The Complete Bankers [Highlander] RedSpark
Left Swanny and the Autistic bunch 2.0 [6v6 Fun Team] UltimatePopcorn.
Left Mando Star [Highlander] Morno
Joined Mando Star [Highlander] Morno
Left VIBRVNCY [Highlander] Sheezer
Joined VIBRVNCY [Highlander] Sheezer
Left The Complete Bankers [Highlander] UltimatePopcorn.
Joined Swanny and the Autistic bunch 2.0 [6v6 Fun Team] Swanny
Left Northern Lightning [6v6 Fun Team] UltimatePopcorn.
Left Baemax [2v2] UltimatePopcorn.
Joined Omicron eSports [6v6] UltimatePopcorn.
Left The! Complete Bankers [6v6] UltimatePopcorn.
Joined The! Complete Bankers [6v6] Scottish Rasta
Left Newborn Popcorn [6v6] UltimatePopcorn.
Joined The Complete Bankers [Highlander] looseyleftie
Joined Newborn Popcorn [6v6] Arcades
Left Digital Athletes [6v6] UltimatePopcorn.
Left Crown The Empire [Highlander] UltimatePopcorn.
Joined Crown The Empire [Highlander] UltimatePopcorn.
Left Circlebroke HL [Highlander] UltimatePopcorn.
Joined Digital Athletes [6v6] haris
Joined Circlebroke HL [Highlander] 4hp
Left DongerBears [6v6] EinsteinTheCrazy1
Left A Tibid Selfcentered [Highlander] UltimatePopcorn.
Joined DongerBears [6v6] EinsteinTheCrazy1
Joined Baemax [2v2] UltimatePopcorn.
Left 17th Legion [6v6] UltimatePopcorn.
Joined A Tibid Selfcentered [Highlander] UltimatePopcorn.
Joined Northern Lightning [6v6 Fun Team] UltimatePopcorn.
Left No [6v6 Fun Team] UltimatePopcorn.
Joined 17th Legion [6v6] Tiberius Maximus
Left Pirate Squad [Highlander] UltimatePopcorn.
Joined No [6v6 Fun Team] Homer
Joined Pirate Squad [Highlander] Zoop

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Mid/High 25 872
View Mid 9 537
View Mid 22 962


  1. Blizzard_ said:

    Sick sniperino, could easily play golderino :3 If you ask nicely she might leave you a kill before wiping enemy teamerino

  2. Popcorp said:



  3. 4hp said:

    Had a few very good showings this season despite the team’s instability and poor results in the end. One of the few snipers I know that plays for the team rather than herself – I’m sure without the stress of leading she’ll do much better. Best of luck, twas fun playing with ya.

  4. Popcorp said:


  5. Realizyeee said:

    Not bad for girl

  6. stacked said:

    Good Probably handle High also girl gamer https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=easy+peasy&rlz=1C1CHWA_enGB638GB638&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=979&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=CpFHVfH6LISe7ga4nYHIBA&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=Girl+Gamer&imgrc=umme6nZ1XXAOhM%253A%3BrqkxEt0B4JujIM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fstatic.gamesradar.com%252Fimages%252Fmb%252FGamesRadar%252Fus%252FFeatures%252F2009%252F04%252FGamer%252520Girls%252FEverything%252520Else%252FArt%252FFinished%252Fgirlgamer–article_image.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.gamesradar.com%252Fwhy-its-hard-being-a-girl-gamer-explained-by-a-dude%252F%3B418%3B277

  7. Nadav: .o/ said:

    An amazing sniper, good dm and gamesense and a cool girl to hang around with. You should defenitaly give her a shot. (huehue)

  8. Funs said:

    she’s sick pick er up lads

  9. Tiberius Maximus said:

    he is a really good sniper, i know him very well ;)

  10. UltimatePopcorn.: Popsy said:


  11. Funs said:

    she’s still sick pick er up lads

  12. dragon_slayer72: SENS said:

    gr8 player

  13. Yxxo: TSM - pizza said:

    Sick sniperin :3 You Lucky f u get her :D

  14. proky: G - MM25 said:

    ayy lmao clicks on heads like its ez wanna pick her up yo