ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanSoldier  Open Skill, 6v6

European Freelancing Astronauts

Posted by Dawindi: | Last Online:

Hey there, this is our team called Freelancing Astronauts.
We are a team that plays mostly for fun and consists of mostly new players. We do have some standards though.

If you're interested to join the team here are some requirements:

– Atleast some competitive experience
– Know how to do the rollouts
– +400 Hours in TF2
– A decent understanding of competitve tf2
– A decent mic
– Being able to speak and understand English
– And last but not least a positive attitude

For further information contact either Dawindi or GruppenGurke (AKA Chime).

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  1. Sp00ky said:

    Hey guys,
    I use to play alot of tf2 in some the of the first seasons i have 300+ hrs on demoman i havnt played in a while but i fit all your criteria let me know

    thanks Sp00ky

  2. Sp00ky said:

    Hey guys,
    I use to play a lot of tf2 in some the of the first seasons i have 300+ hrs on demo man i haven’t played in a while but i fit all your criteria let me know

    thanks Sp00ky