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DemomanScoutSoldier  Mid/High Skill, Highlander

Portugal Fisherman Mamadu

Posted: | Last Online:

played demoman in season 8 and it was fun, can play high or mid+

also can trial as soldier or scout

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:34489207 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined La Parodia [6v6] rusk0'
Left Portugal [National Highlander Team] S0rce
Left Domino's [Highlander] soaky
Joined Domino's [Highlander] soaky
Joined Domino's Inc. [6v6 Fun Team] soaky
Left TANK [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Left Plush [Highlander] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined Portugal [National Highlander Team] tXX
Joined TANK [6v6] Highlander
Joined Plush [Highlander] gilga
Left Luíses Paneleiros [6v6 Fun Team] Fisherman Mamadu
Left Catface Cuties [Highlander] Fisherman Mamadu
Left Spy Boys [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined Spy Boys [6v6] Elsbeth
Left discountSweden [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined discountSweden [6v6] Ross
Joined Catface Cuties [Highlander] Woona
Left Nine Monochrome [Highlander] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined Nine Monochrome [Highlander] StellarHoxy
Left Mge for fun [1v1] Fisherman Mamadu
Left Haha Etf2l Data Go bzzzzzz [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined Haha Etf2l Data Go bzzzzzz [6v6] Black
Left boshy+6 [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined boshy+6 [6v6] tXX
Left Illiterate Iguanas [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined Illiterate Iguanas [6v6] Nick
Left Illiterate Iguanas [6v6] Nick
Joined Illiterate Iguanas [6v6] Hyipr
Left Smog Boys [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Left Division Zero [Highlander] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined Division Zero [Highlander] Wilderhammer
Joined Smog Boys [6v6] HeeSang
Left Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] robin
Joined Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Tercio
Left Catgirl.tf [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Left inVision [Highlander] STiNGHAN
Joined Catgirl.tf [6v6] Emancipator
Left MASTERMINDS [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined MASTERMINDS [6v6] kalhó
Left Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined Lithuanian Rhapsody [6v6] Tercio
Left We JahMen [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined inVision [Highlander] STiNGHAN
Left [é]quipe 2 [Highlander] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined We JahMen [6v6] RatedSlayer
Left We JahMen [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined We JahMen [6v6] RatedSlayer
Left Team of Barrolianos [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined Team of Barrolianos [6v6] Dark
Left MASTERMINDS [6v6] Sef
Joined MASTERMINDS [6v6] Sef
Left MASTERMINDS [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined MASTERMINDS [6v6] Sef
Joined Pocket Rocket [2v2] Fisherman Mamadu
Left Os três mosqueteiros do facebook! [2v2] Fisherman Mamadu
Left Strykers [6v6] Larath
Joined [é]quipe 2 [Highlander] MS
Joined Strykers [6v6] Larath
Left Dickens Cider [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Left Enlightened by Gaben [Highlander] Warden
Joined Enlightened by Gaben [Highlander] Warden
Joined Mge for fun [1v1] Fisherman Mamadu
Left Drop the Vase dv6>dv4 [Highlander] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined Drop the Vase dv6>dv4 [Highlander] Sharpshooter
Joined Dickens Cider [6v6] Ducky
Left pNeumatics [6v6] WeeD_SmokeR
Joined Luíses Paneleiros [6v6 Fun Team] Concrete
Left Aceite No Cavelo [6v6 Fun Team] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined Aceite No Cavelo [6v6 Fun Team] PedroLipton
Joined pNeumatics [6v6] WeeD_SmokeR
Left Reactive [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined Reactive [6v6] sermaisleve
Left Reactive [6v6] sermaisleve
Joined Reactive [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Left Virtual Slap [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Left Team Team Mate [Highlander] san alex
Joined Team Team Mate [Highlander] Fisherman Mamadu
Left Team Team Mate [Highlander] san alex
Joined Os três mosqueteiros do facebook! [2v2] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined Virtual Slap [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Left Team Moleque [6v6] Shulqiple
Joined Team Moleque [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Left Karn Gaming [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined Karn Gaming [6v6] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined Team Team Mate [Highlander] Fisherman Mamadu
Left NGI Highlander [Highlander] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined NGI Highlander [Highlander] Fisherman Mamadu
Left PTRevolution Highlander [Highlander] LasT
Joined PTRevolution Highlander [Highlander] Fisherman Mamadu
Left Do not Disturb! Highlander Team ^^ [Highlander] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined Do not Disturb! Highlander Team ^^ [Highlander] san alex

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View High/Mid 5 751
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View High 8 592
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View Div 2/Div 3 41 1421
View Div 2/Div 3 12 749
View Div 3/Div 4 13 763
View Div 3/Div 4 4 527


  1. Fisherman Mamadu: |LP| said:


  2. Angel of Hell said:

    best pocket in the world !
    I love u honey :*

  3. Yoda: TFK's 6s - PK said:

    He’s a very good solly, beast on pocket, but his atitude is probably the worst you can have on a team, ultimate rager, don’t expect a nice guy if you do something he doesn’t like.

    DM: High;
    Gamesense: Mid
    Attitude: Cancer

  4. Fisherman Mamadu: |LP| said:

    ^ try playing a doublemix with scouts always pushing with combo then you will understand my rage (that only happens on portuguese mixes 8) )

  5. tXX said:

    lol, diogo is a nice guy, although, if you play like a retard, you get what you deserve, if you do the things correctly, then I’m sure you’ll have a great time with him, if the scouts or demo starts pushing randomly without the rest of the team, ofc he’ll be mad, I mean, who won’t be, he can also help you with positioning and he will give you tips so you can get better. He’s a cool guy if you know him well :D

    He deserves a HIGH team surely
    rajadas > concrete btw

  6. Yoda: TFK's 6s - PK said:

    Well, snow, i’m going to give my opinion again, i never played any 6s season but it doesn’t take any kind of genious to figure things out.
    He wants a div 1/2 team, in this case high, the reason i told he can has the dm for high it’s only because of his mge skills against people on that level, now, for the game sense part, mid because he never played a higher div than div 3, so he’s going to start on a higher step where ofc he will improve himself surely. He’s not the guy that’s going to give tips but the guy will actually receive them. Proabably with a good mentor he will go far.

    rajadas > concrete -> strong weed bro, strong weed intensifies

  7. Vitilumi: tbd said:


    Related: Good Soldier, will do fine in High.

  8. . said:

    I’m not entirely sure whether he “rages” against the adversary or not, I’m assuming he doesn’t. rajadas is more of a drill sergeant than a rager, which sorta makes his attitude less of “cancer” and more of “drunk swearing portuguese sailor teaching the unexperienced how shit is done from the very attitude you need to take (or stop taking) up until the mechanical skill required”. He’s just really vocal about it.

    Now, I agree that’s still not a good behaviour to have – it may be extremely effective to teach how2play but it does have very big repercussions on his team’s morale on short-term and possibly his own. It’s not as simple as “having a spine” and, in the long run, the ranting method can wear on a player with him not learning anything.

    To be honest, the only thing that rajadas needs to be taught is to be calmer, not be so hostile and to not give snide remarks during and after gameplay to precisely avoid the wearing effect that his attitude tends to do, or outright break some people (but I doubt there’s anyone that sensitive on High). But apparently, he already has a team as of 2 days ago, I’m sure he’ll vastly improve on that there.

    tldr he’s loud but he’s certainly not dumb

  9. Fisherman Mamadu: |LP| said:

    they talk like i smash my keyboard on the monitor everytime i play lol

  10. Yoda: TFK's 6s - PK said:

    more like rip earphone users xD

  11. Fisherman Mamadu: |LP| said:


  12. Concrete: Calavera - Nave said:
