Open/Mid Skill, Highlander
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Hi, I'm looking for a team as pyro. The div doesn't matter… I'm looking for a main/sub spot, add me for trial. I have some experience.
User Profile | SteamID: U:1:102471062Team History
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I know this guy since first grade, he’s an awesome friend and a nice player!
<3 He's a good player and a nice person. Get him while you can!
profesionist tf2 div3 punct echipa pr0
He is a good pyro and will steal the other team’s spy’s life easily. Get him a team before he steals all your scrap metal!@!
OK, seriously now, he deserves a good team and you should get him to join your team as fast as possible. Hope he gets a good team.
was really skilled when he was offclassing to pyro in 6v6 :D
G o t t i b o y s
Great lad, i love him.