ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedic  Open Skill, 6v6

European Lan Dodgers

Posted by z0diack: | Last Online:

Im looking for a new highlander team,
This will be the first highlander team i have been in and hopefully it will be a mature one.
I have 700 hours in total of tf2 and most of them as solly.
I have played over 120 games on tf2center and want to take it to a comp level.

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  1. Perko: War said:

    il join im a roamer 600 odd hours of tf2 most as solly!

  2. z0diack: YNWA. said:


  3. CaptainKiller said:

    hi i need to go in your team if you want add me :D

  4. Sweet J said:

    Zodiack just abandoned his own team out of the blue

  5. Swiind said:

    I can do the medic :) add me on team : Swiind_404, i’m not bad in English i can have mumble or Teamspeak, skype if you want :)
    I’m near to 500 hours