ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Prem/Div 1 Skill, 6v6 Fun Team

UnitedStates The Brawlers Of Death

Posted by Epic Faice: | Last Online:

Hey im looking for a few members to join my team! I have a steam group that you will need to join, before you can come in! I already have 2 members (they need to accept the group request) but yeah, if you can join! That would be awesome! Im looking for good members… That have at least a 2 years experience of TF2… (Any class is fine, but I have no idea if I can add multiple classes)

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  1. Hank: FAINT said:

    Prem/div1 is the highest skill levels in Europe, if u are a new player/team u should search for div6 cause div6 is the lowest skill level in Europe and thats where u should start at.

    Anyways GL in your search!

  2. Six Shots said:

    i have over 2 years of experience but the thing is……. i haven’t ever played tf2 professionally before.

    i hope you can add me to your team as a scout. thank you

    SiX ShoOter

  3. Six Shots said:

    also, i’m not that old.

  4. Medkitz said:

    I have played this game for 3 years. I have some professional tf2 experience, my availability times are flexible. I can play as any class.


  5. AB said:


  6. Hank: FAINT said:

    professional means that u get paid to play or playing in a top prem team, what u mean is competitive experience

  7. TheSeaPenguin said:

    Good day
    I am interested in joining if your still looking, I have played many hours of TF2 (about 250+), I’m new to competitive but I think I’m good enough but I do also just want a team that I could have fun with ^_^ my best class is scout or demo so if your still looking for people my steam is: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198069445576/

  8. Nic said:


    I am really interested in joining your team! I play scout or spy depends. I have 350+ hours of playing tf2. Add me on steam: Flosstradamus. thanks alot!

  9. Vice Versa said:

    i would love to be your medic i have 800 hours in tf2 and am pretty good but never played tf2 comp wathed it though hope you want me in your team :)

  10. jay: Synergy™ said:


  11. AB said:

    really good and cool guys. can maybe handle prem with the right players.

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