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EngineerScout  Div 1 Skill, 6v6

Macedonia Henghast

Posted: | Last Online:

#1 Macedonian gamer right here. Ladies form an orderly line please.

Backup spots acceptable.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:33502608 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Turbo Teammates [6v6] hp
Left ZERO ELO DEMO [6v6] Henghast
Joined ZERO ELO DEMO [6v6] letto
Left Absintheminded [6v6] Henghast
Joined the meme council (brits) [Highlander] Drackk
Left Danger Gummi Bears [Highlander] Henghast
Joined Absintheminded [6v6] Hot
Left Mighty Spank Force [6v6] Henghast
Joined Danger Gummi Bears [Highlander] .kr4tos
Left the meme council (brits) [Highlander] Henghast
Joined Mighty Spank Force [6v6] Shampoo
Left Team Satisfactory [6v6] Henghast
Joined Team Satisfactory [6v6] ash
Left Sikh Airshots [6v6] Henghast
Joined Sikh Airshots [6v6] Shampoo
Left MAYOGURL [6v6] Henghast
Joined MAYOGURL [6v6] a. larry
Left Sikh Airshots [6v6] Henghast
Joined Sikh Airshots [6v6] .Selo
Left Animate [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Joined the meme council (brits) [Highlander] Drackk
Joined Animate [6v6] Fragm3nt3d
Left Sikh Airshots [6v6] Henghast
Left Team Colonslash: Crash [Highlander] Oxy
Joined Sikh Airshots [6v6] Freakie
Left Gunslingers ♣ [6v6] Henghast
Joined Gunslingers ♣ [6v6] kna
Left off class e-sport [6v6] Henghast
Joined Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia [National 6v6 Team] Henghast
Joined Team Colonslash: Crash [Highlander] Oxy
Left Team Colonslash: Crash [Highlander] Henghast
Joined off class e-sport [6v6] Moon
Joined Team Colonslash: Crash [Highlander] Oxy
Left Team Colonslash: Crash [Highlander] Henghast
Left Guru Gaming [6v6] Henghast
Joined Guru Gaming [6v6] Dompa
Joined Team Colonslash: Crash [Highlander] Oxy
Left Team Colonslash: Vibes [6v6] Henghast
Left the meme council (brits) [Highlander] Henghast
Joined Team Colonslash [6v6 Fun Team] Henghast
Joined Team Colonslash: Vibes [6v6] Henghast
Left Team Colonslash [6v6] Henghast
Joined the meme council (brits) [Highlander] Henghast
Left Complete Waste of Time [Highlander] Henghast
Joined Team Colonslash [6v6] Henghast
Left Team Colonslash: Dinosaurs [6v6] Henghast
Joined Team Colonslash: Dinosaurs [6v6] Henghast
Left Team Colonslash: Dinosaurs [6v6] Henghast
Left Phidias' Friends [6v6 Fun Team] Henghast
Joined Phidias' Friends [6v6 Fun Team] Fallen
Joined Complete Waste of Time [Highlander] Fallen
Joined Team Colonslash: Dinosaurs [6v6] Fallen

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View Div 4 13 859


  1. Dennia: FAINT said:

    Häng häst

  2. WormyMcSqurmy said:

    How to join?

  3. .Selo said:

    my favorite Hans <3
    excellent dm and awareness, ready for top div1

  4. alba: duplo said:

    Very nice guy, sometimes pays taxi’s. 8/8 would recommend.

  5. Hot said:

    cant even sing macedonian national anthem 0/10
    but he is doctor dick, the doctor dick

  6. T0m: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    awesome guy awesome scout glglglglgl

  7. Freakie: KOLAR - .awkward said:


  8. rockie said:

    best lad, good luck brosky

  9. moursi: (Big Poppa) - bobs said:

    Great player, good luck hengy :)

  10. Verse: 4SKINGS - bobs said:

    Top level gamer, if he’d keen up he would be prem.
    Good scout aswell.

    Good luck henghast!

    also fat doobie lan champ

  11. Josh: REMOVE - LEGO said:


  12. Henghast: open - bobs said:


  13. rockie said:


  14. Sideshow: (ETF2L Donator) - ft. - WiK? said:


  15. Reservoir Dog: TC.Express said:

    What is your opinion, as a false Macedonian, about the current political affairs with Macedonian name? Do you agree that a compromise should be made between the Greek government, or a true Macedonian name should be used officially in international politics?

    But the hardest question lies in Albanian minorty… How would you explain the current pressures coming from Tirana?

    Pls answer.

  16. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    I find the suggestion that Macedonians are not true Macedonians to be quite offensive. The area under which the current nation of Macedonia resides is to be fair largely part of historic Thrace. However it has as much claim to the name as the norther part of Greece under which a large number of people consider themselves to be ethnically Macedonian and who share lineage with people in Macedonia. The claims from both sides are reasonable in regards to the name. The Greeks however dont want to release any grasp from the history they have taken upon themselves as a collective without any regard for the interactions of other neighboring nations in the current world. I would say that right now a compromise has been forced upon Macedonia by the usage of the name The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as opposed to simply Macedonia.

    As for the Albanian minority, it is an issue that is not specific to Macedonia, people will travel across borders and immigration on a large scale setting up invisible borders and creating pressures on the local inhabitants is a fact of life for the majority of Europe. I don’t think anyone has a functioning solution to this problem.

  17. moursi: (Big Poppa) - bobs said:


  18. rytis: PrettyGay said:


  19. D! said:

    best pregame engy eu