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Scout  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

France Patey

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi! Here's how I would describe myself

+ I'm nice and older than 18
+ ridiculous french accent you can make fun of (but my english is understandable)
+ I'm humble, if you decide I'm not good enough after trial I won't insist
+ decent scout

– bad etf2l profile
– I'm playing too much
– racist jokes
– french
– can't play at 20cet

Add me for any extra information.

Have a nice day.

PS: 2nd post, my 1rst one is expired (I'M BORED I NEED A TEAM)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:49713080 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Fakin Ritar eSports [6v6] Twiggy
Joined Fakin Ritar eSports [6v6] Twiggy
Left ôBowdel [6v6] Patey
Joined ôBowdel [6v6] Neve
Left Arenaleague [6v6] Patey
Joined Arenaleague [6v6] Patey
Left .Dot [6v6] Lakoa
Joined .Dot [6v6] Patey
Left The Furious Sheeps [6v6] Patey
Joined The Furious Sheeps [6v6] Patey

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Open 8 519
View Div 4 2 403


  1. fkp said:

    good dm, good gamesense, very kind and funny person, deserves a chance.

  2. Elacour: azn said:

    – racist jokes

  3. Collaide said:

    Strong dm

  4. Patey said:

    ty people

    I changed my internet connection Collaide ;)

  5. loopster said:

    Patey, she s nice, funny and have a good dm and a good exp.
    a poil

  6. Xabi said:

    She has a strong DM, eager to improve and is a keen person.

    you should pick her up asap :)

  7. Zero said:

    Yup, she’s good enough

  8. Patey said:


  9. Razkar: cj.com said:

    gl, beggar’s bazooka and fan o war pro 8)

  10. MR.AIR said:

    gl paté

  11. Corbac: azn said:

    GL, laughs at you all the time but pretty good anyway :p

  12. Patey said:

    up I’m bored