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DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, Highlander

Belgium Deepfried Monkey

Posted: | Last Online:

Hiya^^ due to my team being too late with requesting to join etf2l div 3, I will have a season of etf2l without a team :P
So ye, I am looking for a team who could use my assistance for 1 season (not more than this etf2l season, sorry xs )
I would prefer to be a sub, since your team should better stay loyal to the main class, since I’ll just be with ya guys/girls shortly. Me as main would give ya the problems of having to find a new guy after the season, I could also main while you are lf a new guy^^

I dont rly care which div, as long as its not above my skills xp

Anyways, classes I can be for your team:
-Demo: div6-div3
-Scout: div6-div4
-Heavy: div6-div4 (maybe 3)
-Pyro: div6-div4 (could try 3 aswell, but I am quite certain I am not good enough as pyro for that level, so wouldn’t advise it xp)
-Med: div6
-Sniper div6-div5 (I can countersnipe quite well, but that’s it xs don’t ask me to ask a brassbeast heavy xD)
-Engy: div6, maybe div5
-Solly: div6 (aim yes, jumps … not xp)
-let’s not mention spy xD would be valve pub level at best :P

What I can offer you:
– clear comms
– good atmosphere
– kills(hopefully xD)
– helping out when you need advise on how to play certain maps
– sharing experience
– lots of gaming fun
– good damage
– prb a lot of other stuffs I didn’t mention xD

What I ask of you:
– Mumble
– Being warned atleast a day in advance if there’s a scrim
– IMPORTANT ONE: Good and friendly atmosphere, NO trashtalk, NO arrogant behavior towards others, being friendly to anyone and act mature if the other team is not(just record it and send it to the admins instead of joining them in childish and toxic behavior) I am rly strikt on this one, if I see ANY sign of this kind of behavior coming from our team, I’m out. If your team never does anything like this, don’t be scared xp then I’ll always talk good of you guys <3
– Love :D
– Just that you guys enjoy the game :P

For questions, trials or other stuffs, feel free to add me^^

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:68023218 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Belgium [National Highlander Team] Aoshi
Joined Xenon [Highlander] Kimo
Left KingPin [Highlander] Deepfried Monkey
Joined Gielewiel9 [6v6] Synrise
Joined KingPin [Highlander] ojwonder
Left Selective Attention [Highlander] Deepfried Monkey
Left Endlosung der gibusfrage [6v6] Deepfried Monkey
Joined Selective Attention [Highlander] FoxC
Left Kevin eSports 2.0 [Highlander] Deepfried Monkey
Joined Endlosung der gibusfrage [6v6] bonobo
Left Louis van Gaal's Army [6v6] pingu
Joined Kevin eSports 2.0 [Highlander] Akuma
Left Weed Cake Sellers [Highlander] Fire
Joined Weed Cake Sellers [Highlander] Fire
Left Xenon [Highlander] Deepfried Monkey
Joined Louis van Gaal's Army [6v6] pingu
Left Yes! We're Open [6v6] Nudl
Joined Xenon [Highlander] Icewind
Left inVision [Highlander] STiNGHAN
Joined Yes! We're Open [6v6] Nudl
Left dildo [6v6 Fun Team] Deepfried Monkey
Left EU Gimmicks [6v6] Deepfried Monkey
Joined inVision [Highlander] STiNGHAN
Joined EU Gimmicks [6v6] Pe4ce
Left FREEHERPA [6v6] Deepfried Monkey
Left Synergy [Highlander] chando
Joined Belgium [National Highlander Team] Aoshi
Joined Synergy [Highlander] chando
Left Premature Overextenders [Highlander] Deepfried Monkey
Joined Premature Overextenders [Highlander] Arcades
Left Soup-A-Stars [Highlander] Deepfried Monkey
Joined FREEHERPA [6v6] Kimo
Joined dildo [6v6 Fun Team] ropecar5
Joined Soup-A-Stars [Highlander] gielewiel9
Left Soup-A-Stars [Highlander] Deepfried Monkey
Left Fatal Accuracy [6v6] Deepfried Monkey
Joined Fatal Accuracy [6v6] Ghillie
Left The Nebulae | Sindi Edition [6v6] Innion
Joined The Nebulae | Sindi Edition [6v6] Rosstisfer
Left Necronoms [6v6] Deepfried Monkey
Joined Soup-A-Stars [Highlander] Bramelvix
Left Xenon [Highlander] Deepfried Monkey
Joined Xenon [Highlander] Executer
Left BlingBling [Highlander] Deepfried Monkey
Joined BlingBling [Highlander] Via
Left Looking for Troubles [Highlander] Deepfried Monkey
Joined Necronoms [6v6] jojo
Joined Looking for Troubles [Highlander] Deepfried Monkey
Left The Deeps [Highlander] Deepfried Monkey
Joined The Deeps [Highlander] Deepfried Monkey
Left Nobody Expects The Dutch Internet Police [6v6] Ninthsaint
Joined Nobody Expects The Dutch Internet Police [6v6] Ninthsaint

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 3/Div 4 14 833


  1. sinr said:

    Very skilled guy with dm fitting top div3 as demoman

  2. gielewiel9: 124 said:

    skilled + only missed 1 scrim since soup is playing, really reliable!

  3. SubtleNinja said:

    I can certainly recommend Deepfriend Monkey, or just, DM. Great Demo. Played with him several times both while I was in Xenon, and now, when I only merc for Xenon just like him, and well… I have never seen him play terribly. Seen him carry a few times too :)

    Also played against him in a scrim once or twice. Does a great job, knows what to do and certainly puts pressure at the right times and places.

    Highly recommended with a great personality!

  4. Jaakarhu said:

    very reliable and keen on improving. As demo he deserves a spot in a good d3 team. also very funny to talk to at 4am. good luck mate :^)

  5. DyaWyb: (ETF2L Donator) - Let it rip said:

    Can handle D3 easily as a demoman. Other classes I dont know since he only merced demo for us =) .

    As a person he is awesome. Friendly and helpful ! I would take him only because of his personality ! =)

  6. jojo: exe.tf - -Xe- said:

    Good player, lots of experience, nice attitiude towards his own team and towards the enemy team.
    Honestly i can’t hardly think of any team where he wouldn’t be and addition too.

    Seriously pick him up, you won’t regret it.