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DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

European Goodbye Guys

Posted by CapricorN: | Last Online:

Looking for a main scout and subs

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  1. walters: 105 said:


  2. Yuval: MPREG - DBLE said:

    he doesnt play for them anymore

  3. Sorsa: mooz said:

    Zangetsu carrying with his 30+ deaths each map.

  4. Collaide said:

    General Casper best solly ever lel

  5. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    sosra: 30 deaths with 5-7k dmg isnt 9 deaths with 2k dmg

  6. CapricorN: YH said:

    surely better than you are, collaide

  7. Bob Bami said:

    Since when does damage mather as scout? I always thought that headshots mathered 8)

  8. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    wait, you’re keeping zangetsu and *not* taking jaffa? team is weird

  9. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    not taking jaffa

    hello guys confirmed for throwing