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DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Finland Iota

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An avid FPS gamer since 1997. My weapon of choice was the original Quake 2 three-wave Capture The Flag, back when nobody had comms and callouts had to be done with binds and chat. Since then I've played almost all popular team based fps games, TFC a lot, DoD, Wolfenstein: ET and Battlefield 2 to mention just a few…

I've played tf2 since its release and you could say I have mastered all classes, some more than others. Since I play all classes I can rapidly improve even more while focusing on just one. I really have no preference, I love it all. I've also been a team leader and I am familiar with voice comms. Lots of hours of watching high-level plays too.

I'm looking for a serious-ish team, which means that I'd expect the others have at least some background in tf2 or team based fps. I am bilingual so English speaking teams are welcome just as well only Finnish speaking ones. Oh, and I have a server-server, which means I can host voice comms or scrims perhaps.

I'd like to have fun and improve myself in a nicely together welded team in a competetive environment. I'm open to tryouts and any kinds of skillchecks. Also not mind being a sub if there is no team available.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:95352492 Add Friend

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Joined noegd [6v6 Fun Team] Hoplitejoe
Joined help ive fallen and cant get out of open [6v6] BASSOfreak
Left help ive fallen and cant get out of open [6v6] BASSOfreak
Joined help ive fallen and cant get out of open [6v6] Deku

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