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Engineer  Prem/Div 1 Skill, Highlander

Italy Nameless-ita

Posted: | Last Online:


v^3 isn't going to play ugc next season.

Looking for plat. Im crazy, may rage sometimes, add me for trials and stuff.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:109297581 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Italy [National Highlander Team] carnifex
Joined SUPER ULTRA CRAZY KILLERS [Highlander] bluR-
Left Yes Future [Highlander] Nameless-ita
Joined Italy [National Highlander Team] carnifex
Joined Yes Future [Highlander] Hajdzik
Left Blistered Shiver [Highlander] Nameless-ita
Joined Blistered Shiver [Highlander] foungi
Left SUPER ULTRA CRAZY KILLERS [Highlander] Nameless-ita
Joined SUPER ULTRA CRAZY KILLERS [Highlander] bluR-

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View Div 3/Div 4 1 353
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  1. foungi: 0fo - 0FO said:

    pretty damn good.
    no clue why he put rage in there lol :D
    pick him up, best mario impersonator eu

  2. 1pt: CC said:

    I love nameless, he gets mad when you don’t help him on the flank. At least he’s being honest right? :)

  3. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    aren’t you that guy who just puts minies in random locations? Pisses me off in lobbies

  4. Casino said:

    This guy’s shotgun aim is godlike. Gamesense is great, sentry placement is down right infuriating to the opposing team at times and he’s a nice guy to boot. Not a clue what he’s talking about with the rage though, good luck finding a good team bud you deserve one! :)

  5. MIGHTY BURGER ツ said:

    Fine ragazzo :)

    Easy Plat.

  6. Jaakarhu said:

    he can do plat easily. he has and always will carry a team as long as you give him the right support in flanks and help him keep his sentry safe! Listens to comms and reacts to them and has very good shotty aim+ fun guy to play with. i would rate 8/8 and have faith

    ps. he sounds cute when he rages, especially with that cute italian accent :>

  7. SubtleNinja said:

    One of the best Engineers I know of/have heard of.
    Played 2 seasons with him, and he carried the team in them both.

    Also funny to see him just widowmake 3 – 6 people (including the heavy) all by himself in officials ^^

  8. Mankey said:

    Easy plat :) Chill and keen guy

  9. ryan: lizard said:

    Really good engineer. One problem though and that is he thought I was a beast scout B)

  10. Jaakarhu said:


  11. Author said:

    andRe: i see you have a Namless
    andRe: is he your main engy ?
    theoneseeker: yes
    andRe: thats sux
    theoneseeker: not really
    andRe: well last seasson guy put he’s dispencer in the center of spam, im not an enginier, but thats simple lack of gamesence