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Scout  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

International L3mAn

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking to play scout on a team. I can also go med if needed but I main scout. This would be my first team but I do lobby. Also I am American and looking to play with an American team. I'm new to the site and don't know how to change the flag of my country.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:126822340 Add Friend

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  1. Lyrete: BAGC - RUN! said:

    If you’re new you should be looking at division 6 since that’s the lowest level. :)

  2. L3mAn said:

    Link to my center logs


    I just started playing like a week ago, I play every day and I know all the concepts of 6v6. I’ve watched competitive for a year and have a good idea of what to do. Currently I don’t have a mic but I will buy one when I get the chance. I also have 1500+ hours on TF2, but I have 700 on a different account that I don’t use.

    Link to my steam profile
