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Medic  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Germany Techno-Houdini

Posted: | Last Online:



I wanna play medic in the upcoming season.

+ can count uber
+ active on comms
+ 2,5 k hours in tf2
+ not raging unless you're retarded
+ fluent in english and german
+ keen

– working most nights / late evenings in august
– old
– german

As stated above, french teams are preferred because I have to learn french as fast as possible. So if you're a french team looking, I can tryhard to play div3 or would consider a keen div5 team.
If no frenchies want to play with me, I'm looking for a good d4 team. Can maincall if needed.

In august i will be available sparingly at evenings / nights, but this shouldn't be a problem in september.

I expect:
– mumble server / game server
– chill dudes

Add me to talk further.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:39167956 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Danger Dogs [6v6] misha YB`g
Joined Danger Dogs [6v6] Serotone
Left Danger Dogs [6v6] .kr4tos
Joined Danger Dogs [6v6] misha YB`g
Left Iso-G [6v6] DraQu
Joined Iso-G [6v6] fonexi.a
Left May Contain Nuts [6v6] Techno-Houdini
Left IWISHIWASABALLER [Highlander] Kalabam
Joined May Contain Nuts [6v6] veach
Joined IWISHIWASABALLER [Highlander] fonexi.a
Left MANS ON ROAD [6v6] Techno-Houdini
Joined Fat Doobie [LAN Team] Verse
Left Virtual Λlliance [6v6] Techno-Houdini
Joined Virtual Λlliance [6v6] Muerte
Left MANS ON ROAD [6v6] Techno-Houdini
Left Team 4 Friends [6v6] Techno-Houdini
Joined Team 4 Friends [6v6] Techno-Houdini
Left Literally [6v6] Techno-Houdini
Joined Literally [6v6] Techno-Houdini
Left Fat Doobie [6v6] Techno-Houdini
Joined Fat Doobie [6v6] Techno-Houdini
Left Team Indigo [6v6] jocelyn
Joined Team Indigo [6v6] Techno-Houdini

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  1. Muerte: elev8 said:

    Is literally Hitler and as a result is competent at killing Jews. Talks funny with a weird accent. Enjoys baguettes up his nostrils, hence the need to learn French asap (in order to request only the freshest of baguettes for nasal pleasure).



    On a serious note, is a good medic with decent gamesense. Give him a solid pocket and you’re good to go.

  2. Serotone: #FreePat said:

    my favourite person in tf2. he has done really well on medic recently.

    good luck mein fuhrer

  3. FLOWER: B4P said:

    Really really nice guy to play with in both late night mixes and serious mixes! He is a good medic, and div4 shouldnt be a problem at all!

  4. NooB.. said:

    Very handsome boy!
    d4 shouldnt be a problem for this sick boy! ♥ 10/10

  5. Verse: 4SKINGS - bobs said:

    Good player, understands the game better than some higher level medics.
    He is also my fitness mentor, although I am not fit.

    Good luck techno!

  6. filterboy said:


  7. juan: adios said:


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