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ScoutSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Germany JB

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm looking for a high div6 6s team.
I can play Tues, Weds and Friday evenings at around 8-9pm CET. I'll usually be able to play earlier as well, but I have real life stuff going on sometimes so I can't guarantee to be available earlier. Same for weekends. I'm from Germany and German is my first language but I speak English fluently.
I have 3.8k hours on TF2 and I've been playng for a few years now.
I'm looking for a main Scout spot, I can play solly if needed, but mainly Scout.

Add me for trials.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:90340102 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined gentle flowers [6v6] Beckler
Left Team 4 Friends [6v6] JB
Left Team 4 Friends Highlander [Highlander] NKF
Joined Team 4 Friends Highlander [Highlander] fränk
Joined Team 4 Friends [6v6] fränk
Left Omerta [6v6] JB
Joined Omerta [6v6] Banana Joe
Left Airshot scrubs Mk.2 [6v6] JB
Left This is Gaming Community [Highlander] conhor
Joined Airshot scrubs Mk.2 [6v6] Jack "Ace" Doe
Left Airshot Scrubs [6v6] JB
Joined This is Gaming Community [Highlander] conhor
Left Levictus [Highlander] JB
Joined Airshot Scrubs [6v6] Jack "Ace" Doe
Left trade_minecraft [6v6] JB
Joined trade_minecraft [6v6] diminutive
Left Destiny.tf [6v6] Berni
Joined Destiny.tf [6v6] Berni
Left x6 [6v6] JB
Joined x6 [6v6] bluee
Left High(t) Dudes [6v6] HightDetal
Joined High(t) Dudes [6v6] HightDetal
Joined Levictus [Highlander] JB
Left Lotus Nine [Highlander] JB
Joined Lotus Nine [Highlander] JB

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  1. Vitilumi: tbd said:

    Great Scout, can easily do div5. Take him before it’s too late <3

  2. Darwin the Paranoid said:

    Lotus star. A must have for any serious team. 10/10 would get killed by him again.

  3. deathyy: Open't - said:

    Pick him up

  4. Scratch: LevH said:

    Good team player, mini man is asset to team.

  5. Greg said:

    i would fuck him right in the pussy if i could

  6. Vitilumi: tbd said:

    I second that.

  7. Darwin the Paranoid said:

    There are no lesbians, there are just women who never met JB.

  8. bax: NW said:

    Justin Bieber?

  9. JB: ★GF said:

    Don’t even start.. lol