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DemomanScoutSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom ryan

Posted: | Last Online:

I barely play anymore, prefer a sub spot but I'll take whatever if I like you.

I prefer playing pocket bcos 1000% heals

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:77604325 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left The Specals [Highlander] edo7
Joined mr lizard [6v6] Josh
Left Initial Beef 2.0: We can (not) advance [6v6] ryan
Joined Initial Beef 2.0: We can (not) advance [6v6] Sothis
Left Bare dunking m8. [2v2] ryan
Joined The Specals [Highlander] edo7
Left Lucrosa [Highlander] Cronk
Left Ratatouille [6v6] Liko
Joined Ratatouille [6v6] 30.06
Left mr lizard [6v6] ryan
Joined Lucrosa [Highlander] Cronk
Joined mr lizard [6v6] ryan
Left 877-DEAD-NOW [6v6] ryan
Left tf_bot_add 9 allclass expert HYDRA#1-9 [Highlander] ryan
Joined 877-DEAD-NOW [6v6] HATE
Left :Blinky: [6v6] ryan
Joined tf_bot_add 9 allclass expert HYDRA#1-9 [Highlander] Ayhay
Left WORLDST★R [Highlander] ryan
Joined Audi A4 Owners Club [6v6 Fun Team] asadawarf
Left Bill Bailey's Bradford Brigade [6v6 Fun Team] ryan
Joined WORLDST★R [Highlander] asadawarf
Left The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] ryan
Joined :Blinky: [6v6] ryan
Left Cool Cats: Green Garlic [6v6] ryan
Joined The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] blooztah
Left Yes Future [Highlander] ryan
Joined Bill Bailey's Bradford Brigade [6v6 Fun Team] HATE
Joined Yes Future [Highlander] Hajdzik
Left WICKED GIRL GAMERS [Highlander] ryan
Joined WICKED GIRL GAMERS [Highlander] ryan
Left Grumpy Old Men Club [Highlander] ryan
Joined Grumpy Old Men Club [Highlander] Coopxr
Joined Bare dunking m8. [2v2] ryan
Left + 1 Chromosome [Highlander] ryan
Joined + 1 Chromosome [Highlander] ryan
Left Fake eSports [Highlander] ryan
Joined Fake eSports [Highlander] ryan
Joined Cool Cats: Green Garlic [6v6] ryan

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Low/Open 7 642
View Prem/High 7 569
View High 13 611
View Mid 12 778
View Mid 12 609
View Div 3/Div 4 15 812
View Div 6 16 807
View Div 3/Div 4 0 328
View Div 2 12 608
View Div 2 10 592
View Div 2/Div 3 8 698
View Div 2/Div 3 4 581
View Div 2/Div 3 53 1887
View Div 3 3 593


  1. rech said:


  2. R3L0X: LoL said:

    Can Play every Class good.

  3. stephen said:

    top lad pal

  4. Popcorp said:

    seems like a good and skilled guy

  5. Leila: :3 - :Blinky: said:

    he is great soldier, scout and very nice and friendly person

  6. JoeN: :3 - :Blinky: said:

    Very Good Top Gamer EZ DIV 1 10/10

  7. nevier: (XD ͜ʖXD) said:


  8. HartzFartz: (ETF2L Donator) - 0fo - 0FO said:

    can hold himself in div 1

  9. dodo: ⇗upp⇙ said:

    seems he’s a good soldier

  10. Feyne: NASA said:

    WICKED soldier and scout!

  11. BoneSponge said:


  12. Teatime: AEUGH - beans said:

    it’s possible that he might possibly be kinda decent

    actually really good nvm me

  13. lewis]: GayD said:

    exec crouchjump.cfg

  14. nuze: BTWFC - bobs said:

    good at 6s so he must be good at highlander right????

  15. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    gr8 g4m3r

  16. Maxi: BRIT said:

    what a bellend

  17. ryan: lizard said:


  18. Nameless-ita said:

    Beast scout. Give him div 1 trials, he should be able to good in them.

  19. Mr. Guy: *fast - §GOLD said:

    Does anyone understand him ever? Like for real

  20. kuma said:


  21. ryan: lizard said:

    you cant handle my bfd accent

  22. ryan: lizard said:


  23. foungi: 0fo - 0FO said:

    good an noice gay
    if he’d finally start focusing on one class he’d improve even quicker

  24. ryan: lizard said:


  25. ryan: lizard said:


  26. HATE: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    please don’t get him so I can sign him up for my gay-ass d3/4 team

  27. Coopxr said:

    I pulled my hand out of Mexican version of Asa’s sister to say he is good

  28. mumba said:

    ezgame quickscopemeatshot

  29. ryan: lizard said:

    looking for trials

  30. Chewid: MEGA$$ said:


    (even though i beat him in mge like a year ago ayyy lmao)

    pick him up for supreme banter

  31. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:


  32. ryan: lizard said:

    trial me or something :D

  33. BoneSponge said:

    can i have asa’s sister pics please

  34. Asaaj said:


  35. FailJertsu said:

    Good scout

  36. deth said:

    destroys all when his brother isn’t downloading hentai

  37. Mankey said:

    This guy certainly has some back pain problems from carrying his team so much

  38. ryan: lizard said:


  39. Popcorp said:


  40. Ignis: MAFIA said:

    actually got good at solly PogChamp

  41. ryan: lizard said:

    Got a trial on scout, would prefer soldier if there is any going though

  42. yak said:

    good kid!

  43. ryan: lizard said:


  44. gielewiel9: 124 said:


  45. ryan: lizard said:

    4 hour bumps yeeee

  46. ryan: lizard said:

    trial me baby

  47. crazycalumrock: ITIFY - JaR said:

    sub for us

  48. KKarma said:

    insane solly ( and scout) ! definitely worth a trial! pick him!

  49. Casino said:

    Fantastic player, nice guy to play with, always a pleasure to play lobbies/pickups/mixes with. Good luck finding a decent team :)

  50. Ignis: MAFIA said:

    finally decide what u main ,my man :)))

  51. ryan: lizard said:

    no never haha idiot ignis !!!