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DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Ireland harbl

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi there, CoCo is pretty much dead after this season so instead of having the arduous task of rebuilding from scratch I'm gunna look for another team. I can roam/pocket/medic at div4/5. Played pocket last season and we won div 5, played medic this one and we did ok ish. Could scout or demo in a div6 team. Just looking to play.

What can you expect from me;
I'm a pretty chill guy, I don't rage and I don't mind if stuff gets delayed.
I can practice mon-thursday from 8cet onwards(odd chance I might be asked to work late but that's pretty rare).
I have access to mumble servers, can organise games or maincall. If you just need someone to shut up and listen I can do that too.

What I'd like from you;
Don't rage, I feel losing team moral is the quickest way to defeat.
Organise scrims/games at least a day or two in advance.

That's it really, here's a mastabtory video

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:64663967 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Zurna Durum Gaming [6v6] harbl
Joined Zurna Durum Gaming [6v6] Mercimek
Left We Eat Snack [6v6] harbl
Joined Tunakula Snack [Highlander] Mona
Left [T-A!]Team Awesome Gaming HHHNNNGGG [Highlander] harbl
Joined We Eat Snack [6v6] laiky
Left iBEEFPOWER [6v6] harbl
Joined iBEEFPOWER [6v6] Crad
Left The Worst Game Ever [6v6] harbl
Joined The Worst Game Ever [6v6] Shuffles_
Left Carpal Tunnel Syndrome [6v6] WML
Joined Carpal Tunnel Syndrome [6v6] WML
Left 5-0 Blessings [6v6] harbl
Joined 5-0 Blessings [6v6] chando
Left Back to Last [6v6] harbl
Joined Back to Last [6v6] VanguardDLK
Left Buying skill for $10 [6v6] harbl
Joined Buying skill for $10 [6v6] Lukee
Left A M B E R B E N S O N B O Y S [6v6] harbl
Joined A M B E R B E N S O N B O Y S [6v6] fraac
Left TIGER MAFIA [6v6] harbl
Joined TIGER MAFIA [6v6] molesto
Left CoCo [6v6] harbl
Joined CoCo [6v6] alastair
Left Moss Pigs [6v6] harbl
Joined Moss Pigs [6v6] AND
Left CoCo [6v6] harbl
Joined [T-A!]Team Awesome Gaming HHHNNNGGG [Highlander] [T-A!]PandaJoey*
Joined CoCo [6v6] harbl
Left TheFellowship [6v6] harbl
Joined harbl's herbal tea [1v1] harbl
Joined TheFellowship [6v6] harbl
Left CoCo [6v6] harbl
Joined CoCo [6v6] harbl
Left jarate drinkers [6v6] xquess
Joined jarate drinkers [6v6] harbl

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  1. cribbe: TC said:

    Can play div 4 pretty easily as soldier or medic, smart player. Good personality too. Best of luck

  2. Arjax: (Kappa Ambassador) said:

    Good DM, always makes solid calls, some how led a team of morons to win there division last season

  3. RuFFino said:

    Really nice and chill guy, good and solid calls d4 level, good soldier dm and good medic can definitely handle d4. Pick him up!

  4. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    omg has basshead broken two teams in one season?

  5. harbl: Snack said:

    Talented man

  6. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    Basshead just pulling the bassheads all the time.
    About harbl – really good videogamer, great calls and dm. All around should be div4 tbh.

    Good luck!

  7. basshead: mid said:

    I kill teams even as a backup – watch out lads

    harbl is a great guy and a great player, a valuable pickup for any team

  8. repu said:

    fully capable of going div4 as either medic or pocket. very calm and keen player, always looking to improve.

    definitely worth at least a trial.