ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSpy  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

European We OWN ʰᵃᵗˢ

Posted by lucak: | Last Online:

I created team and I am now looking for European players

team: We OWN ʰᵃᵗˢ https://etf2l.org/teams/21169

post here what class you wan't!

You must have hats! Gibus included!
You must want to play competitively, that means you wont go there to troll :p
You dont need to be pro, as long as you have played hl before its ok


Soldier: Lucak

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  1. BlackCetha said:

    Im looking for a team for the time after HL Open. I main medic and spy. and i have hats.

  2. SurfPrize said:

    Im looking for a team to play,I main french buttstaberguy. I have almost 300 hours at stabbing people and some comp experience.Yes,I have gibus and hats.Im sorry but french buttstaberguy is a troll class ;((((((((((

  3. Princess Luna: TC said:

    i could fill in scout or sniper spot. i have played 95+ hours as scout and 66+ as sniper and 850 hours on tf2. i have hats… (add me to discuss http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050389376/)

  4. Jackk said:

    Hello, i can play sniper, i have over 87 hours on this class and also over 2455 hours in tf2, obviously i have hats

  5. Retro said:

    I am a very good heavy with competitive training,over 1200 hours of play.

  6. Elementuhm said:

    Hey, I’m “Marc” from germany.

    I’d like to be the medic in your team and yes, I think I have a hat.
    I’m using the Accurator to heel, but I have other medi-guns too.

    I hope I can be your medic.(Just give me a try^^)


    (PS: http://steamcommunity.com/account/invander1/)

  7. The_Carolean said:

    I would be very happy if I could be your heavy. It’s my favorite class and got hats. I’m a pretty good heavy.

    Pls contact me: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047645989/

  8. doctor evil said:

    Hi im ralph from the u.s.a i would love to play scout and i have a bills hat.

  9. fernandinho710: nonmiro.tf said:

    I’m searching for a team i can play sniper, scout and spy (preferred).
    With the last team were i was i won the div 6 season. Add me on steam to discuss

  10. Rabbit: lolhl said:

    hey, i have 370+ hours as spy and 2000+ on tf2. i would like to tryout for your team as a spy,i have comp experience, a mic, and most importantly-hats

  11. Mosl: -DuDe- - BDF said:

    can play soldier, scout and pyro
    pyro preferred because that’s where i have the most hats (unusual and gibus included, which clearly shows my skill)
    i have no real comp experience but around 3000 hours on tf2 and 178 lobbies, most of them hl if that count’s for anything (guess not though)
    add me if interested

  12. S@GA: MERKEL - op_sqd said:

    Why do you even bother? He gave up trying to gather a team and instead joined another team more than a week ago.

  13. Princess Luna: TC said:

    hello I’m from Finland and i have 890+ hours on tf2 and would be looking scout or sniper on this team. I have about 100+ hours on scout and 80+ on sniper and I HAVE HATS
    add me to discuss

  14. GONA: sirkkels said:

    I would like that spy spot. This is my alt account.
    Add me if interested and talk to more

  15. Kaspersky said:

    I am interested to join as sniper add me if interested

  16. junnu said:


  17. FakieVein: pwn! said:

    Hey – I’m interested in joining the team as a Scout – Sniper – Spy. I have over 1000 hours played and I’m very eager to take comp by storm – here’s my profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/fakievein

  18. Nebula said:

    i have unusuals and australium med gun, i want to be a med for your team i am eager to play comp in a clan i can provide demo’s if needed

  19. Nebula said:

    actually dw soz

  20. VENTEX said:

    Im from POLAND and i really good ENGINEER. I have hats and skill.

    Add me.

  21. Seishi: «π» said:

    Hey there, me and my d5 6s team are interested in joining HL while our 6s is inactive, we have 4 people that’d like to join, so i’ll give ya the classes we’d be interested in;

    Seishi: 1) Demo (preferred by a long shot), 2) Medic, 3) Any other class other than sniper/soldier

    Ojji-Kun: 1) Sniper, 2) Soldier, 3) Scout, 4) Anything if needed, but not medic/heavy

    Tyronblade: 1) Engie/Medic 2) Soldier

    CheeseMammoth: 1) Anything really

    So yeah, we’re fluent english speakers, our dm is quite good, have comp experience just no highlander experience and are quite competitive! Shoot me a message~

  22. Sunflake said:

    I’m from SWEDEN and really love to compete within games so i wouldnt really be a troll id say.
    My main class in 9v9 is PYRO but i am also trying to get good as demoman but i want to recruit as Pyro.
    I’ve got dem hats :), afterall i am getting a burning flames madame dixie ;)
    I’ve been playing tf2 since back in 2010.
    I dont have the best accent in english but atleast i can speak it.
    I would really appreciate if i could join.

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