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DemomanMedicSoldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European Viva La Copycats

Posted by Collaide: | Last Online:

Viva La Copycats are going for d4 Season 18



Firstly: I have standards and I have time so I will not accept shitty players.

If you are one of those people who judge a team only from where it is on the scoreboard ("Omg xDDdD u lost d5 AND d6 so bad"), you probably want some explanations.
●3/6 players replaced since s18. 4/6 replaced since s17.
●Going to improve and grow as a team before s19
●Lost 1 map because of lag issues, 2 maps because of player availability problems. Came close to beating #1 in our div. Basically an unlucky season.
●3 teams we would have beaten dropped. That would have been 6 wins if not more – NOT the bottom of the scoreboard :-)


Your requirements:

*Have played in d5 or higher
*Good aim, good decisions, and also practicing these.
*Be keen.
*Take criticism and don't repeat horrible mistakes
*Prioritize 6v6 and tf2 over other video games and game modes
*Don't rage
*Be a STABLE player – Understand that loosing is a part of improving and that it's no reason to quit unless you are prem.
*Listen to calls – Do what you are told, NO MATTER WHAT – except if it's a free round win. If not, explain. "Go back" "No, they're all hurt"

About us:
*Have mumble channel
*Collaide is maincalling
*Map talks strats and things to improve co-ordination

Classes we need and expect from them:
* Decent jumper, a brain, and not a mute.
* Have good rollouts & practice them. Preferably not a pocket demo.
* Decent dodges (for this level obviously), good positioning, know how to escape

I'm going to start trialing in early july – add me to discuss

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Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4 0 151
View Div 4 8 747
View Div 4/Div 5 2 326
View Div 5 12 1135
View Div 5 6 653
View Div 6 1 276
View Div 5/Div 6 0 336
View Div 5/Div 6 1 322
View Div 5/Div 6 6 724
View Div 6 4 731


  1. zori said:

    damn u guys require more than you can offer :D

  2. Phnx: L_? said:


  3. Taylor Swift said:

    Why did you remove previous post? http://etf2l.org/recruitment/191679/

    https://i.imgur.com/uUGJEx5.png best team

  4. Collaide said:

    Not the best team but still a lot nicer than you. I picked up Wombat after you kicked him for being a few minutes late? (That is what I heard)

    I suggest you stop “trolling” because it is not doing me any harm and you are just embarassing yourself and prooving your own childishness.

  5. Phnx: L_? said:

    what happend to philip the div 3 demo?
    omega, and krftzmnst4r?