ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates Pub Scrub Heroes

Posted by Chucklemaster: | Last Online:


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  1. The Omni Cow: (xxPUBSCRUBxx) said:

    Hey, I would really like some butt touchin’. Do you guys have any rules about that?

  2. greengwap: (PSH) said:

    i am salad

  3. The Duke said:

    I play heavy primarily but I have a good medic, pyro, and sniper that would join me as well. We usually play TF2center for practice. Let me know if you’re interested.

  4. Inaba said:

    I play soldier mainly, but I play a mean medic, and a decent Pyro. I’m new to the whole competitive scene (Other than tf2lobby and tf2center).

  5. Astro: [IJAG] said:

    Hey my names Astro i main scout and demo but can play other classes if needed.I have over 500 hours clocked on tf2.

  6. SirWalrus said:

    Hi i am a walrus and i am main spy,scout,soldier, and pyro. I have about 300 hours played on tf2 and i am hoping to get into a competiteve team.if you are looking for any of these 4 classes I am avalible most of the time after june 27th. If possible an amercan/canadian team would be great. Thank you for your time, have a nice day.

  7. safaa said:

    Hey, I’m perfect for this team. I have about 2.5k hours in and I main soldier. I’m usually available during daylight hours, but I need to be told long before the match starts that a match will be starting. I’m pretty okay. Here’s my totally awesome profile. steamcommunity.com/id/safaaaa/

  8. P3YCHOZ said:

    Hey My P3YCHOZ,I’m Best At Spy. I Have Spent Exactly 679 Hours On TF2 I Started On September ninth only playing as spy and rarely any other classes And In total My Tim Spent As Spy is 418 Hours

  9. creepy: SAM said:

    I play engie, scoot, and medic. 1223 hours logged. Been playing tf2 on and off since 2007. Thanks

  10. Sheriff Donut said:

    Hey I’ve got 1000hours in tf2 and play a great heavy. Message me if interested.

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